Graphics are very nice. Story is nice, but you don't feel like being a part of story like Call of Duty Games. Cut scenes tell the story, then actual gameplay is some objectives related to the story. In COD games you feel more connected to story, because many objectives are actual story.

A small fun game, but too short.

Did you ever wanted to play mixture of Halo Infinite and Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD?
This is the game and it's fun.

Very weak storytelling.
Nothing new vs older masterpiece Halo 4.

Worst COD ever made. Modern Warfare 1 and World At War was better games. It has a very weak level design.

Unplayable. So many bugs, Gameplay is trash. Not worth playing even for 5 minutes.

So much over hated. The game is fine now in 2023, it has some small issues that you can forgive. There are some bugs here and there, but the main problem is censorship.

Great Game, but story telling is very poor.

Thanks Clover Studio, Thanks Capcom. Really great game, one of the most unique games of all times.

2 stars for Two Star Games. Too short. Not optimized at all.

Wow, i thought it is a great game (from graphics perspective) for a 2008 game. Now i came here to backlog it and find out this game is from 2004, which is mind blowing. Never saw any game this advanced for it's time.


Mario Kart with real cars, gets boring and repetitive after 4th boss.

This formula is too old for a 2023 indie game.
The game suffers from Lack of innovation and easy puzzles.

Castlevania 3 was a better game.