Didn't really like this one as much as the first. Instead of going with the quest markers approach they could have used natural landmarks and the sort. Having more (and new) stuff to do is great, but somehow it doesn't feel as engaging as Grow Home. The plant system is a fun novelty but some plants are way more useful than others - and at the end of the day nothing beats the regular climbing.

My favorite out of the three. People say it being easier is a bad thing but I like the extra accessibility. There's still plenty of unfair traps and cheap deaths to be had, but way more fun moments in between. Even now it feels like this game has almost infinite replayability.

I catch myself going back to it ever so often. The core gameplay is fun, but there's a point where you feel like you've done everything unique to be done and the rest is the same but in another color planet. Of course, the main game loop IS a lot of fun, so I got a ton of enjoyment out of it. The constant updates are nice even if it's nothing that dramatically increases the lifespan of the game.

Simple fun with not too much depth but also short enough for that to not be an issue.

I was expecting a mindless fun semi-stealth game when I picked it up, but there's a surprising amount of depth to it! The story is also shockingly good, the less you know about it before picking it up the better.


Fun roguelike with some unique mechanics, but the skill curve is a bit too high for my liking. The mid to late game is a lot of fun, but only if you've lucked out and got a decent enough build in the beginning. Huge amount of secrets and hidden lore, but with too few hints for someone to be able to find them all without a guide.

Quirky and fun RPG with just the right amount of unrelated content to make it always fresh.

People say this is a good SMT game to start on but I still had a pretty hard time grasping everything. Fun game for sure!

It's quick and easy to get something done. "Something" might not be functional or pretty but it's something and you made it! Single player has a nice variety of courses to test your creations on, but it lacks a bit of depth.

I see how this might have been fun and innovative when this was the only Rune Factory, but I don't recommend ever touching this game if you want a fun experience.

It's not Spore. I don't really know what it is either. But it kept me entertained for a couple of hours so it might be good? Who knows.

The gameplay is the most refined it's ever been, but the characters feel flatter than past entries somehow. They don't really have a lot of characterization besides their One Trope. The references to past games were neat, even if I didn't get most of them. Having the characters react to what's happening in the story is a neat touch!

Cool designs, painful control scheme. Main story makes you go through the whole thing twice.

Really touching interactions between the surprisingly deep characters coupled together with a simple but charming creature collecting journey.

Extremely unique take on platforming that takes the focus off the platforms and places them on the walls. The story binds it all together and elevates the whole thing, and the link puzzles are a nice break/reward for exploring.