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I don't remember anything but I think I had fun. Except when they killed everyone.

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It was a Q.

Neat! The difficulty spikes a lot after stage 1, I always felt like I had to get extra lucky to make it to the second boss.

The last 5-ish hours felt like a slog. The series so far has treated its non Japanese characters very questionably and this is the bottom of the pit. Physics felt weird but it made for some funny moments so whatever.

Short and sweet! Glad to get some insight into some of the characters, even though I would have preferred some others to have been featured instead. Triffany doesn't do much development-wise, but she needs to be there to tie the whole exploration thing together I guess.

I was having a lot of fun on Mizuki's side of the flowchart, despite the somewhat annoying quirks pretty much all characters have. Iris' side turned those to eleven and it was a pretty miserable experience. As per Uchikoshi standards, the exposition is dumped in front of you at the very end of the game and grinds everything to a halt, yet I have no complaints about that here. The "This Man" cameos were the only thing keeping me from quitting Iris' routes.

I heard there's cool moments later on but I will never know because I am stuck in an endless grind loop on Europa. Free-to-play is a genre of lies.

Really liked this one! There's a lot of different possible readings, but ultimately the experience of getting to know Coda even more than the person who has actually been in direct contact with Coda is a fascinating one.

The cool environment only glued me in for so long before I realized this game is kind of empty. Sure, there might be tons of great stuff in the depths, but getting there reliably requires so much grinding to build equipment that I just don't want to bother. With how old this game is, you'd definitely think they would have added some polish to it since the Markiplier era. It's fine.

Definitely lives up to all the expectations! You definitely miss out on a ton of lore towards the end if you don't know anything about Drakengard and Nier 1 and whatever else but it's still enjoyable and has a nice message.

I refuse to give this an actual objective review. This is the only game that made me pop off when there was a big expanse of flat and empty ground. I got an otter hat. Kojima is still weird about women. Assemble your own review.

Aside from all the technical aspects, this game feels like a Rune Factory only on the loosest of terms. The great lore potential left by RF4's ending was not filled in the slightest, only vaguely touched upon during the very underwhelming ending and some later relationship quests - which I couldn't reach because asking characters out is a random chance every day instead of a guarantee once you have enough hearts.

It's Toree 3D... but more of it! And I like it! I think every game being at least 10 hours long with never seen before features is a nightmare scenario and I'd absolutely love for there to be more cute, grounded and stylized 30 minute games like this.

Extremely unique take on platforming that takes the focus off the platforms and places them on the walls. The story binds it all together and elevates the whole thing, and the link puzzles are a nice break/reward for exploring.

Really touching interactions between the surprisingly deep characters coupled together with a simple but charming creature collecting journey.