I'm briefly researching mining games again so I'm poking around here and there. This is aesthetically a mining game, but it's fundamentally an idle game. Idle games are strange because they all have the same core, and can easily be reskinned into all sorts of game forms. They also synergize well with the 'clicker' game.

In this case, the 'click' becomes a 'walk around', the 'idle' becomes waiting for your NPC workers to dig for you. There's not much else to see here - you have your usual exponential progress curves and rewards, where in each 'arc' of the game you get rewards quickly in 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, then maybe 8-16 to get to the next 'arc'.

This is a considerably less creative idle-clicker-like as nothing changes in between arcs. In the 'best' idle-clickers, there's an RPG-esque aspect to it as you can partially optimize your way to have less waiting, although the gameplay largely feels the same (addicting, micromanagement, optimizing, etc)

Anyways this isn't even really a mining game. The stuff you mine are coins (used to open up some facilities) and diamonds (used to purchase temporary power ups). You receive rewards for digging at certain dig sites, but they're just to make things more efficient (an elevator, then teleporter).

Somewhat amusing are that at 'max efficiency' in a dig site - when the hole is 1,000+ meters deep - you get the teleporter, which lets you workers merely dump ore into a hole in the wall. No longer do they get the joy of being able to see their ore turn into money on the surface, instead, they are stuck at the bottom of the earth, endlessly digging...

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2023
