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A free VN you can play on your browser? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me, even if it's not finished yet.

Gameplay Rating: 8/10
You'd think, for a VN, it would have very barebones "mash Space and make a selection every now and then", but it really steps it up with the discussion, the minigames you play for the tokens, this game is INCREDIBLY creative for a VN.
Sometimes you'll hit a classic "wtf am i supposed to do", but that's just classic of the genre.

Story Rating: 9/10
No spoilers here, so I'll keep it brief.
The characters are solid and twists can feel pretty surprising, it's very hard to predict what this game will do and it feels very clever at times, which I appreciate.
That said, some twists here and there kind of make me feel iffy on the some things that happen. I hear that they go over them in some of the side-stories, but I really shouldn't have to go out of my way to play something that could've been covered in the main game...

Colorblindness Rating: B
For the most part this game is okay about colors, but there was the Boxing Ring puzzle that fucked me over because I mixed up green and yellow.