The saga to find colorblind-friendly Bust-A-Move games continues and... What happened? Seriously, what on earth happened? They had a good thing going on with Bust-a-Move 4 on GBC, what happened? And why is this one Bust-A-Move?! Good lord, Taito needs to get it together BAD.

This version has the standard fare of Bust-A-Move games; Puzzle, Vs. CPU, comes with a Link Cable option. It even comes with a little Story mode like Bust-a-Move 4– Alright, let's cut the bullshit. This game sucks and is not worth your time.

Colorblindness Rating: F
WHAT HAPPENED?! Bust-a-Move 4 on the Gameboy Color did a great job, how on earth do you manage to ruin LITERALLY EVERYTHING?! Thanks to the god awful filter they put over the game, orange and green now look incredibly similar, and the special pattern they put on the "red bubble with green cross" now makes it more difficult to tell if it's a normal red bubble or the other one with a green cross.

Good lord, this series loves to take two steps forward and a million steps back sometimes.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024


2 days ago

Just wanted to say, as someone who commonly has trouble with colors in puzzlers if they don't use shapes or something else to differentiate them, I appreciate your evaluations. Nice pfp by the way.

2 days ago

this is comically unfair. just because you personally can't play a game doesn't mean it deserves half a star. is someone without working legs going to review bomb every single dance dance revolution game or something? i would hope they could just acknowledge it's not for them and play the thousands of games out there that are accessible to them instead, but apparently some people don't have that philosophy. should i go on a "quest" to review bomb every untranslated japanese rpg because i can't read the language? it's totally valid to share your experiences with this series if it can help others similar to you know which are accessible, but you don't have to give star ratings to games you literally cannot fairly judge at all. i'm quite sure you can post these without ratings, but would it not get as much attention as you want? who knows.

2 days ago

@Vee Thank you! Means a lot to me to read comments like these. Also love your Totodile pfp.

2 days ago

@ATVdriver I'm going to pretend your reply isn't the height of ignorance and honor you with one reply because I'm not entirely sure if you're trolling or not.
First off, your argument doesn't make sense. I would accept a game series wasn't for me if it DIDN'T ever improve on color readability, but guess what? IT DOES IMPROVE; hell, Bust-a-Move 4 on the same console as this game is still the most colorblind-friendly game in this series and it came BEFORE this game, which is why it got such a low rating.
Secondly, both your examples are comically out of touch with what the issue is. With DDR, yeah, it won't ever be possible for someone without working legs to play them because they don't have the capability to input the prompts the game is asking them; but when it comes to the able-sighted and the colorblind like me, the only issue is a matter of color which, guess what, CAN BE FIXED THROUGH ACCESSIBILITY AND READABLE PATTERNS. Your second argument of untranslated Japanese VNs is even more out of touch, because guess what, you can LEARN how to read Japanese. You want me to learn how to not be colorblind? Get real.
Finally, are you really going to argue about ratings on a website that is dedicated to users giving PERSONAL ratings? You're going after someone who has a legitimate reason to dislike a game instead of the thousand review-bomb troll reviews that are made in bad faith?
I seriously hope you realize how dumb your reply is and delete it out of shame.
@ATVdriver you okay bud?

2 days ago

@ATVdriver It's fucking Bust-A-Move, stop getting at people for their "unfair" rating (which, as a rating, has to be entirely subjective) and put yourself in someone else's shoes for once.

1 day ago

Bust-A-Move Millennium's corniest soldier in the comments here

1 day ago

peak enlightenment is comparing the lack of a colorblind mode to having no legs actually. hoolyyyy i understand why my gf’s blocklist is like 15 pages tall now

1 day ago

Just wanted to share some positivity that I appreciate you're highlighting a common accessibility issue that nobody gives a shit about. From the standpoint of preservation/historical study it is even more important and I hope you continue to do this.