Well I just want to say combat's better than most PSO games graphics are better and honestly if you're trying to place for the story and it really worth it that much but hey for free to play now the story isn't that bad honestly can't really say anything bad about this game other than having to pay money for to make your character look better

Awesome ass combos dope as finishers and the best of all no more having to worry about having dam heals on you all the dam time

Combat's great aesthetic wise this game is awesome but oh my f** god the enemies are going to jump you every 5 f** seconds and it's so goddamn annoying and don't even get me started on some of the b*** enemies who are not weak against fire when you literally have to dodge and attack to even kill them the last boss was easy to beat honestly it's true they say this is one of the hardest Ninja gaiden games

Killer ass soundtrack playing this v was not that good but the last fight was awesome

Bayonetta is a babe hot sexy and kicka ass at the same time I love the combat of this game the only thing I think I was annoyed by was the fact that this game really wanted you to dodge dodge almost half the game was literally dodging but other than that game was fun

Pretty good cover shooter for my first time playing it

The downhill racing was the best part about this damn game in my opinion the rubber banding and it was really annoying but if you can get past that it's still a good story during game especially being the last boss he was a pain in the ass to beat but worth it

The heat attacks in this game were pretty cool the boss fights or unique and the only but ultimately the side quests were stupid as hell and pointless in my opinion the only thing that was good about this game was the story and that's about it

For a PSP game this shit's a BANGER
Unique plot when comparing to mainline Yakuza games, and some real nice and entertaining gameplay the side shit is not worth it tho in my opinion still a good game

Best soundtrack out of all the games

I was glad to have played the second one Way better than the first dam game combat smooth like butter, finishing enemies is way faster, and even the boss fights especially the heat finishers are awesome in general the last boss fight was Epic as fuck. This game is worth playing in the right order.

This story of this game was was honestly awesome as my first time playing it though. combat was very janky hated it the most, the story badass as fuck, and the finishers were magnificent to see so was the game fun but painfull the ending was worth it.