Unicorn Overlord is the mirror dimension 13 Sentinels. 13 Sentinels had an engaging and compelling story and solid cast but lacked any gameplay intrigue; Unicorn Overlord has a satisfying gameplay loop, but it's paired with a bland story and horridly trite characters. The whole cast feels like ChatGPT excrement, there're so many characters and they're just mindlessly shat out at every turn. Some positives? The gameplay is great, slowly conquering the world, expanding your roster with new units to experiment with, it was all very engaging... for a while. The first 20 hours of this game are engrossing, it's quite easy to ignore the game's shortcomings during this period. Then we run into another big problem, this game is 50 hours long... once you've played 20 hours, you've seen it all. The game will still throw new unit types and level gimmicks at you, but they're not nearly enough to keep the loop satisfying in the mid to late game. Unfortunately, once the gameplay grows tired, there's absolutely nothing of value left here.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
