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1 day

Last played

March 18, 2021

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All the pros of Doom Eternal with its cons amplified.

Here's the good: Movement still rules, guns still run, ~most~ of the base game enemies are still fun to fight. If you're here for an adreneline rush you're gonna have fun.

Here's the bad: Like the previous DLC, and some of the base game, it's excessively gimmicky and designed around weapon hard counters enemy design drags down the experience. You have so many cool weapons, movement abilities and resourced skills but instead of going nuts it instead grabs you hand and tells you to use X on X or its gonna take forever (or never work).
You can't just SHOOT the new stone imp oh no i want you to use this particular shotgun mod attack or the hammer (or chainsaw lol). When you get cursed by the new stalker enemy oh no you cant just kill it to end the curse, you gotta DOOMPUNCH it bro nothing else will work. It becomes an issue with a lot of enemies when your sick arsenal becomes not what you like, or even whats best for the scenario, but what the you HAVE to use against the enemy. Every DLC enemy has a bit of this in it, and even the base game (s/o to cyber mancubus and especially maradaurer) enemys are like this. The most fun I have in this game is when I'm fighting base game enemies.
Obv all the issues I have with the base game are still there (ammo/chainsaw mechanics, the way enemies have this fucking habit of appears right behind you) are still there but it's whatever. The DLC seems particularly linear and without secrets, and the final boss they hyped up was just a big maradaur with 5 health bars.

There's still no adrenaline rush around like DE right now and it's still it, but I definitely felt burnt out by the end of it and god can I just shoot a fucking enemy and not play a fucking minigame for some of the enemy types in this game.