It's alright, but lacks any real hook outside of just being Warhammer themed.

The biggest issues are the balance and controls.

The game has 4 difficulties available, but only the highest one provides any challenge at all. That's unfortunate, because you won't have a harder difficulty to aspire to, which removes a big reason to replay the game. Oh well.
The bigger problem with that is that the highest difficulty makes enemies have a lot more health, which really impacts the gun feel and overall tempo of gameplay. Bigger fights become so long that they become exhausting at times.
The harder difficulty still doesn't make you play in the most fun way either - you have to actually switch between weapons, sure, but despite the fast movement speed of your character, playing fairly defensively is the most effective in the combat arenas clearly meant to be the most exciting sections of the campaign.

On the topic of switching weapons - you better not try to do it with the scroll wheel. I can't use a keyboard due to an injury, so I use a joycon and mouse to play, but that exposed a giant problem with the game's controls - switching through weapons linearly is extremely slow. Even if you do use keyboard buttons (have fun finding a layout that fits dashing, reloading, interaction, sprinting, switching grenades, and an arsenal of 8 or 9 guns), the game just refuses to swap weapons until some animations finish, making the controls feel extremely sluggish.

There are two more big problems. The game has terrible visual clarity - everything is the same colour, and enemies blend into the background completely. It's lame, since you don't get to see the impact of your shots, a little disrupting to the gameplay, since it's hard to aim at something you can't clearly make out of the environment, and it significantly slows down the process of hunting down the straggling enemies left over after a big combat encounter.
The last issue is performance, and it's surprisingly bad. With a lot of enemies on screen, the game would often drop below 60 fps (on i5 8400+GTX1080Ti), and it constantly stuttered in general until I capped the framerate way below the average.

In general, it's just okay. Not bad, but much worse than the hype made me expect.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024
