It truly is a classic. It's simplicity and difficulty are its strong points. Sure its old and primitive but while beating it i found the level desing and brutal enemy ai extremely addictive. it's maze like level design and cheap ass enemy ai make it a surprisingly tough but fun game and i like tough games. beautiful game and forever will remain the grand daddy.

This game is just so god damn good f my life.

Duke ascends a skyscraper to stop the aliens from they're bullshit. 17 amazing levels 15 different designsers. You have to pistol start all of them witch at first threw me off but slowly came around to actually enjoying. I beat it without save scumming at all and let me tell you its called DUKE HARD for a reason. Sexy set of levels specially the rooftop finale. Eduke32 sorce port for some odd reason wont let you fit under the railings to get the yellow key card in the last level rooftop so you may have to clip to get thru. That was ass but not the mods fault.

12 years in and still learning the ways of the strike.