I wasn’t sure if the game is really my cup of tea so I decided to play the demo and was immediately hooked, bought it at full price and continued playing. I got a real nostalgic feeling playing this game because it reminded me of the time playing N64 as a kid.
The movement feels a bit like a crossover between a Mario jump’n’run and a Tony Hawk game, it has great momentum with an interesting combo mechanic, which encouraged me to get better with the controls.
The soundtrack was a blast to play to, but sadly no track stuck with me after finishing the game.
The story is nothing special and I happened to glitch into walls a handful of times.
Not game breaking but worth mentioning since the game is a bit pricey.
If you are not sure if the game is for you, I highly recommend the demo.

-1 star for not having a banger intro song. #intofreedangan

The game itself is great it's just pure fun. I didn't have any major perfomance issues (Ps5) like many others (Pc), and yeah MTX are always shabby, but since they are not necessary to enjoy the game i wasnt bothered too much by it. You CAN get a special gift for npc's via MTX, but all other items are easily obtainable without paying real money.
I never thought we would see anything new from Dragons Dogma, which makes me all the more happy we got a second game! It stays true to it's roots and i enjoyed it very much.