This game was fun, I had a good time with it. I'm pretty mixed on the experience though. It feels like the devs poured a lot of love into this game, which I always love to see. However, my qualm is that it feels like they got a little lost in the sauce.

At first, it's pretty much just "find your brother" and then things start to spiral from there in a way that sometimes makes like... no sense??? I read my way through a lot of the material I found in game, hoping to help make things make sense. Unfortunately, it only made things worse. I can only suspend my disbelief so much.

However, the actual gameplay felt pretty solid. Some pretty fun fights, regular enemies were pretty fun to handle, and Greatsword + Katana + Pistol felt solid. The tech tree has some fun, albeit simple options and a parry that feels really good to master. Equipment felt kind of tacked on??? It didn't bother me to much. I spent a good while gushing about how good the roll feels, can't really explain why. Just feels good.

Where this game really shines though is it is STUNNING to look at. Lots of fun cyberpunk environments with a mixture of high res pixel art and 3D backgrounds that are a treat to look at. Most of my rating just comes from the look of the game alone.

If I had to rate every part individually I'd say:
Gameplay 7/10
Story 5/10
Art Direction 9/10
Landing it at a clean 7ish for my tastes. It's wild, and a solid time. Plus Protag has a ponytail which is always a plus.

This game is as fun as your problem solving skills allow you to get with it. Yeah you can probably scrap together a hunk of junk to runover 2 guys for the mission. But what if you made a hot air balloon with a claw machine claw on it and picked the guys up one at a time and drop them from 600ft.

Doing challenges like minimum pieces or trying to use a single vehicle for multiple challenges is a treat. Unfortunately the creativity is going to be lost on some people, but that's how it is with your average gamer.

If there was something more as far as a story, a more extensive soundtrack, etc. I'd probably whip out the 5th star, but the gameplay loop is a blast for those who will mesh with the creative systems.