As a huge fan of both indie games and roguelike games, Rogue Legacy 2 is damn near perfect. The music is amazing, the 2D Platformer/ Metroidvania combat & exploration are addictive, engaging and varied, the art is lovely and the NPCs are shockingly lovable. The modular difficulty, variety of game-modes and just sheer breadth of replayability make it a game that you'll never get tired of playing--and I'm definitely not done.

They cooked.

Extremely tightly-designed platform-fighter that runs where Smash Bros Ultimate walks; though it's lacking in single-player content, it's lightning-fast, fluid movement makes playing the game an absolute blast: even with the small roster, no two people play a character the same way. Rollback netcode, great tutorials and a simple, yet striking animation style seal the deal!

Additionally, I would be remiss to not mention the games Steam Workshop scene: while counting mods in reviews is usually frowned upon, I think I'd be doing the game a disservice to not mention it has the biggest modding scene of any fighting game EVER, to the point where four modded characters got added to the base cast (not to speak of the NEW GAMEMODE that was added from mods, too!). There's thousands upon thousands of characters, stages and so much more, and they fucking rock.


Absolutely fantastic; not only one of the best roguelikes ever made but arguably one of the best indie games ever made! The gameplay is extremely intuitive and deceptively simple, but the nuances of it's hack-and-slash, top-down ARPG systems make it extraordinarily replayable--that, and the shockingly invested storyline. The amount of dialogue this game has is genuinely astonishing, and every line's great; you'll get to love the characters and cast in this game so much. On top of that, the story and the gameplay connect in ways you don't expect; ludonarrative dissonance has no bearing here. Hades also looks fantastic and has a killer rock soundtrack (as well as some veeeery beautiful ballads here and there). And even after you beat the game, there's always more to do. Fantastic!

Hard to give a review for a MOBA. Unlocking a decent amount of characters is a hassle, the game's balance ebbs and flows between being alright and being horrendous and the cosmetics are horribly overpriced. That being said, the base game is still fun enough for me to be hundreds of hours in somehow, although it helps that I like Pokemon a lot. Not sure how much I'd recommend to a fresh new player though.

Brawlhalla's probably one of my favorite games of all time and I've played the game for several dozens of hours each on different platforms. Only negative is that the cast is somewhat homogenous.

Cosmetics are cheap and funny, gameplay is super cool, free, has good net-code, what more do you want from a platform fighter?

Pretty great! The base game is infamously very annoying, and without a wiki to help Darkest Dungeon is goddamn brutal but that's the point. The game does have it's fair share of randomness, but I think they work to the game's benefit (at least most of the time--sometimes the game's luck rolls in ways that are just genuinely unfun, but you bounce back). Memorable soundtrack, fantastic narration, a very striking and unique art-style and cool, dungeon-crawling gameplay. Modding is also fantastic!

Very simple to understand, yet engaging, deep, incredibly unique and fast-paced gameplay, check. Cool graphics, check. A distinct roster of characters? Great cosmetics (seriously the emotes in this game are godlike)? I wish this game was more popular.

We let Omega Strikers down, but it's a masterclass of a MOBA. I can't wait to see Odyssey's next outing--but in the meantime, GO STRIKE!

Fun, cheap co-op horror game! It's hard to review this game because it's extremely mod-dependent. Not that the base game is unplayable or terrible by any means, but without LateCompany and MoreCompany, the game has no cosmetics and has only four characters--not nearly as fun, so the base game gets 3/5.

If played on a console, this is probably a 3.5/5.

As a huge Harry Potter fan (fuck JKR), I wanted to like this game a lot more than I did but I struggled with it due to the bugginess of the PC port and the game's last 33% getting repetitive. The game is super fun for the first act due to you getting so many new things to do all at once, but as it goes on and you unlock pretty much all the spells, it does get dreary. This is not helped by the main dungeons being all really repetitive (which is odd given how extremely fleshed out some sidequests are). The bugs in the game were mostly annoying, but there was a bug I ran into twice where I'd just fall through the world that I was worried I'd have to restart my save to get over. Pretty unacceptable for 60$.

All that being said, the characters are alright, some pretty well-written, voice acting is nice, the immersion is fantastic, the graphics are pretty good and the core gameplay loop is actually really damn solid; no notes on the spell-slinging for me.