Log Status






Time Played

12h 7m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 30, 2023

First played

September 29, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Horror Cyberpunk Walking Simulator

Observer is for the most part a boring game to play, but not to experience. Highlights of this game come from the impecable visuals and art direction alone and those scary moments that happen that don't really have to do much with the gameplay itself.

If you are a coward, like me don't worry. This game is as scary as a Silent Hill game can be, mostly psychological horror is present and I counted like 2 or so jumpscares throughout my 7 hour playthrough.

There is a detective mode of sorts that is supossed to be the main mechanic of the game, but is at basic as it gets. Scan a clue, and see what can you do with the information it provides. You won't be using this much, outside of specific occations. But if you liked the detective aspect of this game or want more of this world, there are a lot of side cases to solve.

The story is short, and I feel it's a safe bet for the Cyberpunk genre. But it was sweet.

In reality I'd say it's a walking simulator with a few things added on top. It is what the game want you to focus on, those visual striking moments.