A subtle, but a striking psychological horror adventure

My first complete approach to the Silent Hill series.

Silent Hill 3 for me wasn't totally a "fun" ride. But it was one that I enjoyed and kept me really surprised the more I got into it.

Where the game I think it excels the most is the eviroment as a whole. Team Silent really did something that made me uncomfortable all the way through but also appreciate the scenery for how beautifully crafted it is. And this is not including the impecable sound design and direction.

The presentation in Silent Hill 3 is just impecable and I can't stress that enough for a 2003 title. Every moment felt like I was decending to some type of hell after playing halfway through it, after reaching Silent Hill to be specific.

There were sections that I thought were a bit filler in between the story and didn't add to the overall game outside being extra bussy work to do. Don't get me wrong, the story has it's moments from time to time but can be held back by the travel itself.

Most of the time I was confused of how did I end up in some sections since this game is really linear. But that doesn't mean I enjoyed most of the levels and the puzzles.

What hurts this game the most is the combat. It's outdated, old and clunky. You can just pass by the monsters as long as they don't get directly in your way. No more than a little annoyance than something that you should be really scared off. I think this game didn't needed combat at all and just stick what the team does best, it feels like an afterthought on most occations.

The story is also solid and tackles some themes that by 2003 could've been very controversial to some people. I liked Heather as a protagonist, she's just fun to watch and interact with the others. The VA and the writting team did a great job portraying a teenager in a stressing situation, just scared of the world around her full of lunatics. Though it seems the main characters were the ones that had the most work put into Voice Acting while the secondary cast like Vincent or Douglas underdelivered a little.

So in short. Absolute must for horror fans with the only downside being it's combat.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2023


7 months ago

Glad to see you liked it! It definitely isn't a perfect game, but you know, what is. I totally agree with you on some complaints you have, and yeah, the gameplay is really clunky, tho these are issues you might come across again in Silent Hill 2. Believe it or not, but the gameplay here is more enhanced and is more refined than the one in SH2, I'd argue it even feels more like a chore in 2, so do yourself a favour and don't set the combat and riddle difficulties on hard when you get around to playing it. There are more or less the same downsides in SH2 than in SH3, but either way it's an also great experience, hope you like it too!

7 months ago

@paqgamer_ Yeah, I will try SH2 right after this one. I'm just starting to understand why people like this franchise so much.

And no, there is no way I'm putting the combat on hard and the riddles in this game were already tough on normal difficulty.

25 days ago

I have only played SH1 SH2 and SH3, and this is definitely the scariest of the 3 games imo.

That moment when you enter the nightmare version of the hospital, and all the walls are red and blurry... and the sound effects are even more terrifying than usual... yeah, I had to take a break at that moment 😅

25 days ago

@Armakeen SH3 overall wasn't that scary for me. But it was definitely disturbing, specially towards the end