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The Walking Dead season 2 is a good sequel to season 1, however, it has faults which stop it from being better than its predecessor. The story itself is good and interesting, but the options and characters are where this game falls short. Unlike the previous game, your choice feels like less of a choice and it feels obvious what's going to happen. For example, if you choose to save certain characters they'll have barely any dialogue and will just die later with no effect, whereas in season 1 of The Walking Dead if you save Ben he'll have some impact on ep 5. These flaws overall in the game aren't that big but they do stop me from giving it a higher rating. The game improves gameplay by adding more quick-time event options to make you feel like you're controlling actions. I enjoyed the cast of new characters, but I preferred the season 1 cast however these new ones are still good. The story is a worthy successor to the first game with you playing as Clementine from the first game but more mature from surviving 2 years in the apocalypse. Overall the game itself is still really good but I can't see myself giving it the same score as season one it's still a good sequel.

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The Walking Dead Telltale is one of the games to popularise telltale games and when playing you can see why. From a gameplay aspect compared to future telltale games it is the simplest, however from a story standpoint is one if not the most emotional stories, like the deaths of the group members and the effects it has on the rest of the group. Lee Everett is one of my favourite TellTale games protagonist as you start the apocalyptic world with him and you see the world change with him, his story with Clemintine with Lee trying to protect her in this new world is great and has an emotional and good conclusion. Overall I rate this game 5 stars because the story is intriguing with good characters and decent gameplay which sometimes can get annoying but doesn't affect my final score.

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The games fun