One of the worst and most poorly written stories I've had the displeasure of reading. To be honest, if this game had no story at all and instead was just random missions it would have been much better.

The first 15 chapters are a chore both in story and mechanics, the game only starts to be fun from then (mechanics wise). But even then it's a nightmare to navigate through the menus and to check important information.

So what is there that's good? The style of battle is engaging, however, since we now have Unicorn Overlord, just play that instead.

Very addicting battle system, beautiful design all around.

Story is the age old lost prince trying to reclaim his birthright, but it is very well done. The writing, although Alain's choices are not up to you most of the time, is well written in terms of motivations for all characters - you may not agree with them, but you are able to see their perspective (also why Alain would deal with them as he does - again, most of the time).

The little choice the game has results in you failing to recruit some people, but that does not change the story is any meaningful way. What does change it is your choice in whom to marry, and although it is a nice touch with different epilogues for the chosen romance, it is overall lackluster.

The rapport system seems to have been abandoned halfway through, since a fair amount of the characters have only 1 conversation out of the possible three, and even less with other characters. That becomes even more of an issue when you propose to someone that has barely any romantic interactions with you (most have none at all).

In terms of the overarching story that is also an issue, albeit a minor one - the map is divided in 5 different regions, and the first three are well written. However, Bastoria (to the north) feels like a gigantic sidequest with little relation to the plot or to why you're even there. And Albion, to the west, has a somewhat disappointing ending with a forced recruitment of a villain.

The ending of the game is VERY much copied from fullmetal alchemist, which is not a bad thing, but it is what it is. There is a nice roaming event after the ending in which you talk to all of your companions too.

To sum it up, Unicorn Overlord is a very good game that could have had maybe another year to polish mainly the story and rapport aspects of its final regions. But, even without that, it stands as a flagbearer of its genre and a landmark for future titles.

There is only hurt here.

This is a story about the cycle of grooming. It's about a very broken person trying to cope with what's been done to him by both others and life itself (and possibly the gods), while "acting" as a highschool teacher. Needless to say, it's a very dark story and it reads like an addict trying to get better only to fall even deeper time and time again as you uncover more of his tragic past with his own groomer.

It also has the best writing i have ever seen in a game, in fact, if this was a book it would be one my favorites of all time. The downside, and very sizeable downside, is that some aspects of the game itself are ridiculous. The triggers for the events are done in a sort of "try the same thing 20 times at random until it triggers", and the puzzles (2 times per chapter more or less) are even worse. However, there is a mod that fixes the events by giving you specific instructions on how to trigger them ingame. As for the puzzles, they are all either "write down the answer" or "click x options on a specific order" and you'll have to get their answers online and suffer through them unfortunately.

The writing is so spetacular however that even that is worth it. As of March/2024, the game has over 300 events (it's in chapter 4 out of 6 planned ones), and i have either ugly cried from both sadness and happiness, or stared into nothingness by being overwhelmed by what had happened in at the very least a third of them.

I will finish by saying that the music is also good, and that you'll have over 20 characters with compelling and believable stories to be happy and despair with. Seriously, this is a masterpiece of writing for the genre.

In this story you're the son of a famous male hero and a female dragon. However, for reasons, your father ran away and raised you in an isolated village by himself. Two years ago he died though, and you've counted on the all-female population of the village for support.

Now that you're 18, it's time to leave the village, become an adventurer, and bed a 1000 girls. Ok, so here's where the game is actually interesting: There's a huge lore here, this world originally had only humans, governed by 4 gods. However, at some point, monster girls were created and most of the gods abandoned it. Monster girls are unique because of their high instinct for procreation, but super low birth rate of males. With time, this lead to the world's population to become almost all female.

Your task is to discover why that is, what happened to the other gods, if there is a solution for all of that, and to look for your mom and why she abandoned you (all the while trying to impregnate 1000 monster girls and reintegrate your village with the rest of the world).

Now, to its credit, this game is A LOT more than one would assume, since the lore is actually interesting and there are a lot of twists and turns in the plot. Unfortunately, two things drag it down: the last arc of the story is badly written (the big battle especially which plays like a 10 minute vn without any choices), with things like generating a super powerful character out of nowhere with barely any explanation and them behaving in the most cringe inducing way possible, also reducing a list of horrible crimes that should have been unforgivable to a "nevermind, i guess i understand", the list goes on...

The other big downside is that you don't really have much of a choice in this game. It's a big just read about the decisions the mc makes, which wouldn't be a problem if their decisions weren't so nonsensical by the end.

All in all, the game feels it was well developed until about 50%, and then it became increasingly rushed and badly written. My final take is that it's downfall comes, surprisingly, from the fact that it managed to go much deeper than one would expect from its basic premisse, but then it wasn't able to follow through in its last stages.

Also, since its relevant to the title, you can't bed even 100 girls, and your harem doesn't reach 20. You can have about 20 different kids (that are named), but in the epilogue they don't have any interaction other than one. Also, there's a school that was supposed to be for them, but you never get to see them leave the crib (probably another sign of it being rushed).

This is basically what would happen if you combined the sims with a quest for making every woman into a sex slave. In this simulation, you play as a dude that lives with two new women, after dealing with his previous tenants getting married (of which he was in love with one of them).

You go to work, get involved with life both at home and throughout the city and can start relationships with a large cast of characters. While keeping your multiple sims needs and cash in check, you can also influence your relationship with the girls by having a vanilla relationship, or a master/slave one (by which point they won't care if you are in multiple relationships).

There are also multiple harems throughout the game, that make threesomes, foursomes and full blown orgies possible and aknowledged in the endings (that are triggered by proposing to someone, or multiple someones). You can also get them pregnant, and even have some specific characters move in with you.

The biggest selling point of the game is that the cast is very varied, ranging from full blown stalker that will kill people and present you their heads, to cheating (but fixable) ex, to tomboy, to loving or very loving sister, to whatever you can imagine really.

However the downside is that the needs are very tiresome, and even though there is a cheat button, that will block some features. Also, the game can get very convoluted in what you need to do and when to achieve certain conditions, needing that you play with the wiki opened.

I guess i should mention that there is also a feature where you play as a woman, but that is still being developed and honestly the very idea should be just ignored (from the way it's being developed and overall underwhelming options of romantic interests).

In this game you're forced into a debt whilst drunk, and the way to pay it is to make money by being a trainer in a monster girl brothel. There is no way to spare the slaves you acquire there from being prostitutes (you can gameplay-wise, but the game won't aknowledge it in the endings - so it's pointless). It has 4 different endings, 2 for main girl (your boss), one for the harem, and one for each species of slave if you so choose to end up with them.

Sex scenes happen either through training, or during prostitution with clients (it's the same scenes with different flavor text). And there are special scenes with your boss. Spoilers for the endings will follow:

So, there was never a debt to begin with, which becomes obvious really fast throughout the game. There is a very real debt though that your boss has with her father/slaver, of which you can pay off, or let her deal with it herself. If you never find out about it, you can choose one of your girls to end up with, or keep your harem of monster girls. If you choose to deal with it, you can either abandon her, which ends up in a sort of a netorare ending with her servicing clients in a party and you being killed afterwards, or you pay off her debt and then run off with her to get married (after the brothel is burned down trying to kill both of you).

I wish there was an ending where she ended up your slave, cause she did lie to you all this time and USED a lot of slaves as prostitutes so that her A SLAVE didnt have to, so that would have been poetic justice and also redemption, sort of, if you chose that she'd be a slave only to you. but oh well.

This is a game that delivers what it promised, but could have been better in multiple fronts.

I will never understand a game about cheating that presents "multiple perspectives" but that just means 1. perspective of the one being cheated on or 2. perspective of the being cheated on with the scenes he's been cheated on.

The story is really weak, as one would expect, but if you could have the wife's perspective, or even the bully's perspective (separate from the husband) - it would probably salvage this game by catering to a larger audience, as it is it just has the graphics, which are indeed good, but heavily limits itself to a "being cheated on" fetish.

This review contains spoilers

it has some good scenes/fetishes, but all in all it's very boring mechanic-wise, and the story is downright revolting by the end - spoilers will follow:

main dude is not the demon lord at all, but the dude that killed him. main girl is going around with you and a familiar (which is the actual demon lord) to make your body ready to retry the ritual of making you his new vessel. She is in love with the actual demon lord, but eventually betrays him because he never went around to actually having sex with her (cause she was too young). So yeah, but then she plays around about doing the ritual anyway multiple times after she's already with you, still treats you like shit, and still keeps the demon lord as a familiar until the epilogue, reprimanding you for talking ill of him.

this is one of those games that would be better to not have a story at all instead of having whatever this mess is. blonde girl and sleepy girl are actually nice, it should have been about them.