I feel like I really tried with this game. First of all, I never played the original, but i imagine 1 full game has gotta be better than a 3rd of a game stretched out into 1 full game. To be honest though I never would have tried it if it wasn't on PS+, occasionally I want to play something I dont normally like, and this didn't win me over.

The combat i'll say, is really fun. I like the blend of turn based and action combat, but unfortunately, at least in the bit i played, there just isn't enough of it for me to keep going. Every 5 minutes i have to listen to another poorly written generic line of anime dialogue that makes me wanna chuck my controller. A bit hyperbolic, but man i really do not care about ANYONE in this game. From what I understand, this is about the first 6-8 hours of FF7 put into a 40ish hour game, and man, you can really tell. This is more stretched out than persona, I cannot stand how everything screeches to a halt every hour so i can 'get to know' the characters i guess, but they're all boring and I don't care about them, and I don't wanna hear their damn anime grunting anymore.

Someone make this games combat and either write a better story or just take it out entirely and i'll be on board. This isn't it for me.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

I played the original and I don't want to play the remake(s) because of exactly what you described. While it should have occasional dialogue moments like most RPGs, it is very evident that sqenix tried too hard to pad out their universe. The graphics are certainly a glow up from the PS1 but the small details were ballooned out of proportion. It's understandable if you don't want to give the original a shot after your experience, but I would recommend it over the remake. Battles take place more often, there are fewer details to keep track of, not to mention the quicker overall play time. Many characters with backstory in the remake just kinda exist in the original game and that's a good thing! In the end it's up to you if you decide to play the original or not. Games are meant to be enjoyed and not to be a chore :)