At least 50 hrs gameplay for 20$ this day? I say its a steal.

First i tried this masterpiece on my cousins PS4 after 3 years it released. It was love at first sight. By one of our famous YTers saying: ''Leleleylele leleylele leleyleleyleleyley'' -Enis Cherryson

3.4 for one of best of its kind? What's wrong with you people

Automation, endless updates, more automation, have I mentioned this game still getting big updates after 4 years? And you know what? AUTOMATIOOON!!

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You can use zombies for automation? Count me in

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Bir Kuzu Tarikatı atasözü der ki: ''İşte kuzu kuzu geldim, dilediğimce mürit topladım. Bu kez Shackled One'ı tokatladım, yerine geçtim''.

Cut, bonk, slash, fly repeat. If you want to play as a power fantasy there is lot of grinding to do. U can't just procede on main story if you want to bonk everything to oblivion in one hit.

I was thinking by myself and saying I feel like something is missing and then I saw this GoaT gem on Twitter and said how the f did I forget my beloved bae TES V: Skyrim. I was going to give 4.5 but then I remember that I have given Witcher 3 5 so here it goes. Btw who the f gives a less than 4 one of the best of its time, genre defining open world game???

Start with friends, end first month forget the game, start over.
Start again with same or different friend group, end first month, forget the game ever existed, start over.
Repeat and rinse till you finish the game on 51st try