Silent Hill is a horror game icon and I can see how the first game started it all, the horror is real and the setting is perfect. Enemies are a little annoying but it's a PS1 game, whatever. My one major issue with the game is both its biggest upside and downside, the fog. While it perfectly sets the mood and adds terror to the game, there is just too many missable collectables that you absolutely can miss. I missed major collectables because there was 0 telling you where to get them and I cant see more than 2 feet in front of me at all times. This is even worse with maps, which I believe should be outright given to you at the start of every area. I got lost in a town I had never been in before and had no way getting back to the start to find the map leading me to inevitably google it. I also missed an entire weapon which would have helped me greatly. Worst of all, these items, along with the only item that will let you get the good endings of the game, are only there for a very short period of time before you can never get them again. You basically have to know that they are there in order to get them. But on the pros of this game, I love the buildings, the changing between the normal world and the other world is extremely well implemented.

Silent Hill 2 improves on every last thing Silent Hill 1 had, the story is incredible, the atmosphere is strong, and the soundtrack is beautiful. It is a rare form of a sequel being better than the original. Pyramid Head in this game was the best touch, but I feel he could have been used better. Most times he just kind of pops up as an unkillable enemy, but there is not even a cutscene or anything, he just pops up. I honestly don't know what to rate this game because the story was a 10/10 but there are still big issues I had with the game and a lot of areas I would not want to ever go through again.

Way too short and by far not the best game a Batman VR game could be, but easily the most fun I have had messing around in a VR game doing everything except what I am supposed to.

I never want to play this game ever again

Laughably bad story and I do not think the game ran at a solid fps at any point in playtime

Nearly impossible without the comic book but I followed a youtube guide and I feel powerful for completing it

Outlast 2 manages to make an amazing story line having nothing to do with the first game. Towards the end, you truly feel how the journey went and how great it really was. Although the game is truly terrifying and has an eventful story, Outlast continues being notorious for having terrible endings. I could not even believe how bad the ending of the game was. Another thing is some of the enemies are more annoying than scary. While being chased I was thinking "Come on just go away already" instead of my heart pumping. Even though the games has these 2 major flaws, what happens between these still manages to convince me to give this game a 7. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys games like these, but I would play the original first (though you do not have to to play the second one)