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Frau Engel was hilarious. Best villain since I don’t know when. So well acted. So wacky, an all timer freako bitch. Could have done with more scenes, but also quite satisfying to finish her off. MUCH prefer that ending to the bad and not good boss fight endings of the previous two wolf games.

Great looking game, solid step up in that department. Good story. Very fun and funny too, not just Engel. Like that shit with the actors and hitler was s-tier goofy shit, especially BJs disguise. All the other characters had their moments as well of fun and funniness. Like Anya ripping her shirt off at the end. Or Bombate banging sigrun. Or Wyatt going full fuckazoid on acid…What a wild ass game.

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Finally finished. I like it. I enjoyed how the story turned out, and I like how you begin the ng+ with nothing but knowledge, a cool ship, and a cool spacesuit. Cool also how you can go to the lodge and be like yo listen to this and skip a bunch of stuff. That’s as far as I went though, as I don’t really have interest in playing again (too many games, too little time and all that) but maybe I will continue until I find Andreja again someday. I don’t remember what my biggest video game crush was but it is Andreja now. I wish she could have just come with me into the Unity, I mean she was on the ship..but apparently she does decide to enter it as well.. so is it possible to find her her, or a different one that doesn’t know you? Interesting to think about, but not enough at this time to make me want to play the game again/more.

It can be quite a cumbersome game to play, especially just starting before you get used to the little annoyances and understand how the menus and things work. Too many loading screens, and many are too long. Some are instant yes, but some are very not, and when your objective takes you around through five different ducking doors and one elevator just to talk to some fuck, it starts to grind away at the patience. Can’t have lots of loading screens AND non-instant loading screens.

Also there is too much following— oh we are having a conversation? Let’s pause, follow me slowly down the hall or into a different room and let’s continue the conversation. Fuckin horseshit.

And crafting/modding/building— I mean wtf is going on there? Didn’t touch it after initial tests or out of quest necessity cause none of that shit is user friendly.

Scanning planets? Fuck that. Scan everything how many times? And go land on another desolate nothing part of the empty planet to do it again to scan what? another biome? And talking about landing— land closer to / at the place I selected/you tell me I’m landing, not a 5 minute walk away. And how about planet side flying?

Anyway, lots of gripes apparently but I still liked the game and enjoyed it for what it is. Sometimes I just like doing quest and shooting things and seeing EXP and level gains and persuading people every chance I got while wearing a space cowboy hat and space poncho and I love Andreja and i was sad when Sarah died and I didn’t care one bit for Matteo or Noel but everyone else was alright. I liked all of the faction quests too, for the most part. Ryunjin was a standout, until the stealth missions which sucked bad.

I think it’s a good game and I like the multiverse answer and how ng+ works. I don’t think it will have a cyberpunk-esque turnaround, but a more gradual “huh, you know this actually isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be” arc. But now that I say thst, cyberpunk did come out 4 years ago (wtf) so what do I know? Starfield is a pretty good, not bad game.

Fun enough to play with a buddy, but mostly just for the playing a video game with a buddy. Lots of inventory management and weapons didn’t feel good or strong enough most of the time— having to constantly upkeep them was a pain. Missions drag on and the constant flow of puzzles and “find this to unlock that” got old fast. Also had to skip a lot of cutscenes because who cares.