The soundtrack and visuals are pretty cool but the gameplay is rough. Even my nostalgia for this game can't fully save it

For being the ultimate experience, it was underwhelming. The core sonic colors experience is still here but the new additional content added is so minimal, it feels like nothing of new was added

Pretty cool collection that contains the entire trilogy, along with their DLCs, within one pack. The remastered visuals look alright and the gameplay feels exactly as how I remember it. Pretty much nothing as changed from what I can tell so if you want to play the BioShock games, this collection will be it for you

I wouldn't say this was peak, but it was pretty good. The story is quite nice, with the references and call backs to the previous games giving us additional background info. Playing as Elizabeth was nice and I will say, the ending did bring some water to my eyes, but I feel like all of this new info just seem kind of "out of nowhere?" It introduces some inconsistency and messes with the timeline a bit

It was nice seeing rapture again and the twist at the very end was something to talk about but I don't know. I wanted to by hyped about this, but guess I wasn't really feeling it. The gameplay is the same as in base game, just instead of being in the sky, you're underwater. Story beats and character interactions were good I guess but I just feel like something was missing

An excellent DLC expansion that has it's own compelling story, own environment to play around in, new enemies to fight along with a new weapon and plasmid to use against them. To be frank, I'd say that I had more fun in this DLC expansion than in the base game

I'm gonna be honest, I completely forgot about this DLC. Looking at it, It's just barebones with 3 new stages, barely any storylines plots, and the music is just alright. Only good things about this is that shadow was playable again and infinite's I AM NOT WEAK speech lmaooo

Yeah I know, the game is the worst of the trilogy but I admit, I had fun with the game. It's definitely not the worst game out there, it's just subpar with how it handles things. The gameplay is alright, the story is good until around the midpoint and a little at the end. Overall, I say it's just decent/above average

I was mixed on this when I first played it long ago, but now I can see that it's a great game. Gameplay wise, it feels sorta off but not to the point where it's unplayable. Story is good as always, though perhaps not as good as the first. Multiplayer for this back then was wack lmao. A bit of a shame it wasn't in the collection but whatever lol

Environmental story telling at it's best. The story is excellent, the gameplay is great, and the city of rapture is beautiful. I will admit, I did get lost every now and then and there were some frustrating moments but overall, lovely experience

A disappointing threequel to the garden warfare series, they dropped the ball with this one after they decided to cut the content pipeline after the miserable launch this game had. There were some good ideas thrown in here but overall, it couldn't live up to the brilliant success that the second game had

The best out of the garden warfare style trilogy. This game expands upon what the first one and adds even more new things to play around with (i.e. new modes, new characters, new maps). The backyard area is a nice hub world to explore and mess around in and the gameplay just feels very clean overall

This was a good game from my childhood. Garden Ops was really fun to play online and the multiplayer was a blast. The level system was enjoyable and the customization was pretty cool. I just wished there was a little more to it, like making the zomboss and crazy dave character slot be accessible to the 360 and PS3 versions as well

A step up from the original gameplay wise. The expanded campaign and additional content are pretty cool but my gripe with this game is how microtransaction heavy the game is, with some fan-favorite and interesting new plants being locked behind a paywall. Microtransactions aside, this game is really good. It's just tainted with a large paywall

Nearly perfect. The gameplay loop is very simplistic and satisfying. I just wish there was a little more to do in it but otherwise very well done