A step up form the the first game, this one was a bit more challenging but I enjoyed it. The cutscenes in the campaign were pretty cool and story was good. I also had fun on the multiplayer side of things and the extra characters were nice to have

I wasn't really a fan of this game as a kid as I was too dumb to understand how to play but when I tried it out many years later, I found it to be quite enjoyable. Just wish there was more to the campaign and more on the multiplayer side

I think we all know that when this game launched, it was a total ass. An absolute dumpster fire if you will. However, throughout the many PC/Console updates, 343 managed to salvaged the broken mess that this was and turn it into something beautiful. Something that we all can enjoy. This is what the Master Chief Collection should have been on launch, the definitive way to play nearly all the mainline Halo games, not the trash that we got nearly 10 years ago. While I'm still bitter about the launch of this collection, at least I can fully enjoy the Halo games the way I remembered playing them, with some new bonus content thrown in. Just hope console gets to have the same new additions pc is currently getting right now, I would love to play the "new" maps and game modes

The gameplay over all feels way better than halo 5. The story mode is pretty good, with the open spaces giving a similar vibe to CE. My main complaint was how the game was launched. With barely any content to keep me coming back to the game, I dropped this after a few weeks and didn't come back until infection and custom forge maps were introduce. This game was a 2 1/2 Stars at launch but the additional content managed to make this game somewhat more enjoyable now

Campaign was really bad, the customization wasn't that great either, and the multiplayer was decent, with outbreak and forge with its custom maps saving this game

343's first halo game and it was decent. The campaign, while I personally felt like it wasn't on par with the other game's campaigns, was good. Multiplayer was kind of a slog fest, however, with this game trying to become call of duty game, rather than becoming a halo game. While I did like the flood theme infection mode, I do wish they would've allowed the infected to wield other weapons other than a sword since that would've help the custom game community. Firefight was removed in favor of spartan ops, a move I personally wasn't a fan of. In the end, the game isn't horrendous, it's just not not the best

Peak's Peak. The story is outstanding, so much so that one of my friends couldn't even play the other games because of how good it was. The gameplay is a little out there with spartan abilities but it's still overall great. Firefight is back form ODST and is expanded upon. Invasion is a good game mode. The customization is fantastic. Everything is top notch. Bungie really put their all into their final halo game and it shows. This game was so much fun back in the day and I'm grateful that it exists

This game does environmental story telling really well and the story behind it is pretty good. Gameplay is the same as Halo 3, so it's already fantastic. The introduction of firefight really cements it as one of halo's finest game modes. I just wish the game had some more to it but other than that, it's a well rounded experience

Peak. The best of the best. Forge mode is a blast with all of the community made maps there are, Multiplayer is amazing with game modes like infection being intense, and the campaign is phenomenal. The culmination of the past two game's story leading up to this very moment was awesome. This game is truly made with love

Pretty much the same as the original, although I don't understand why they changed some of the music. Either way, this is the better anniversary out of the two

This game is truly something else. The story and characters are great, the gameplay is fun, and the chaos of Legendary is hard as hell and I love it all

Pretty much the same as the original, however, some of the cutscenes and environmental storytelling are lost with the new coat of paint. I'd recommend playing Halo: CE in it's original graphics but it's whatever I guess

Great start to the Halo series. I had some really good moments playing the campaign to this way back then. There are some moments of pain here and there but nevertheless, this is a great game with a well done story

After a long period of mediocre games, this is a good step in the right direction for the franchise. Pop-ins are a problem and I wish the environment blended together better, but I had fun with getting the platinum for the game. DLCs have been good so far (hoping DLC 3 will be peak). If this truly is the model that Sega plans to use for future sonic games, then I think Sonic's future is looking pretty good

The custom character is probably the only redeeming factor about this game