This review is going to be very much "Guy who has only played Elden Ring" themed, so apologies for that in advance.

On a mechanical level this was overall far easier than Elden Ring, but only dickheads focus on the challenge over the experience. Rather than a sprawling, dying fantasy world, Bloodborne focuses on one terrifying, hungry night in a single city. Everything is tuned to this and it's all done well.

A lot has been said about how the mechanics push you towards playing aggressively and even reading and watching all of that didn't quite prepare me. Creatures lunge at you from behind smoke, corner you in cramped allies and the only way to survive is savagery.

The atmosphere is masterful and the sound design team deserve all possible accolades. I can't remember the last time sound has felt this good in a game, from the bloody and visceral attacks to the delightful "click-clack" of your trick weapons.

Possibly my favourite aspect overall is the way the story and its scope build. Starting with the beast plague, as the night moves on things become stranger, slowly building into full-blown cosmic horror.

A big mea culpa to all my loved ones who told me to play this over the years. You were right, it owns.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

Hell yeah brother