39 reviews liked by Mr_Fish

I saw the name Demyx in the special thanks so that’s kinda neat

Honestly this is everything I could ever ask for in a game, I love D&D and basically being able to play it without the scheduling conflicts is amazing.

These characters are definitely some of my favorites in any fictional work ever honestly, I got very attached to most of them and I was real invested in their stories, and their voice acting is top-notch.

Borislav Slavov thank you for composing some Absolute bangers that I can listen to again and again. I love the use of leitmotifs, surprisingly the melodies never got old to me. I also love how the music changes dynamically when you down an enemy, it gives me actual bardic inspiration.

I heard that Act 3 was way worse than the rest of the game, and coming right out of the end of Act 2, which I adored, I was pretty worried. The beginning of Act 3 is pretty jarring but by the time I got to the Lower City and started finishing the companion quests I found it hard not to love. It also ran surprisingly well on my PC aside from when there were way too many combatants lmao

Still playing a group game with friends that we’re not even close to finishing, and I know I’ll be coming back to this game again and again

The BBS squad are my probably favorite characters in the series so seeing more of them is awesome, more Terra was especially cool

Yeah this is kinda just a preview for KH3 but it’s still pretty neat

Mediocre beginning, really fun middle, ending could’ve been great but it drags a bit and some of the bosses were real annoying

Coming back to Traverse Town was cool, but idk anything about The World Ends With You, and I didn’t get very attached to any of the characters from that game. Once I started going through all the Disney worlds, I was actually having a great time using flowmotion. I was looking forward to the final world, but it feels like it lasts too long, especially since a couple of the bosses there were just annoying to deal with and unlike BBS, it wasn’t that easy to get the stuff needed to make them feel fair. I wasn’t a fan of using dream eaters for commands and I actually kinda miss melding them somehow. Like before, I don’t think I like the actual story all that much, I just adore basically every character in this series.

I was really hoping for some Sora and Riku interactions and it’s a shame that we pretty much only got that at the very end, but I really liked what we did get

Gonna be honest, I just can’t wait to play KH3 soon

I was deliberating giving this an 8/10, but I think a game that made me tweet about how good it was 3 times deserves a 9.

These characters are fantastic, I’m not sure how much I really liked the plot itself but I got really invested into the characters. I feel for the heroes, and I love to hate the villains. The gameplay was really interesting, it was kinda overwhelming on my first run but on the next two I engaged with some of the mechanics like melding earlier and had a way better time.

Aqua: I’m glad I did her story first, it doesn’t give you that much information and it made me more interested in seeing what happens in the other two. Really interesting to have a magic based playable character in a game like this. Probably my least favorite of the routes, but it got really good towards the end.

Ventus: My favorite of the trio, both in character and route. Idk if it’s just cuz he plays like Sora, but I definitely had the most fun with him. I love Vanitas as a villain, and this is when we see the most of him, all culminating in that great final boss.

Terra: Really weird to control at first, but I got used to it quickly. I really like him as a character, and it’s cool how it’s integrated into the gameplay since he has darkness attacks and stuff. That final boss was actually good imo, really tough but it never felt that unfair, I always had some chance.

Man it would suck if we lived in a world where Kingdom Hearts was bad

“The flow of time is always cruel… Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it… A thing that doesn’t change with time is a memory of younger days.”

Ocarina of Time means more and more to me as I grow older, it’s a story I can very much relate to. Much like the Hero of Time, it feels like I’m growing up too fast, and before I know it, my youth will be gone. Sheik’s dialogue speaks to me personally, I’ve reflected on their quotes and they’ve really made me think about what it means to live and grow up. Every time Sheik appears and that theme plays, there’s a certain nostalgic feeling, which is fitting for multiple reasons. I really like all the songs that Sheik teaches you, they’re very memorable and just fun to play and listen to. They fit the theme of each corresponding temple really well.

It’s incredible how well these dungeons hold up. This is some of the most consistent quality in the series, especially when they’re the first in 3D. Inside the Great Deku Tree is a great introduction to this game, the music atmosphere are fitting and while it’s a pretty simple dungeon, it’s the tutorial so I wasn’t asking for much. Dodongo’s Cavern was formerly my favorite of the child dungeons, but I think the Deku Tree overtook it. That’s not to say this dungeon is bad, however, I still like it and it’s fun using bombs. Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly is still my least favorite dungeon in the game, I’m not a fan of the aesthetic, but carrying Ruto around and getting the boomerang is pretty cool. Then we have the adult dungeons, and holy cow, the Forest Temple is phenomenal. This is still my second favorite dungeon in the entire series, only behind Majora’s Mask’s Stone Tower Temple. Getting the bow is great, especially when it’s used so frequently. The music is fantastic and it really adds to the atmosphere. The ramp up in difficulty really lets you know that things have gotten far more serious. Phantom Ganon is an awesome boss, I really like how it foreshadows the fight with Ganondorf. The Fire Temple really grew on me this playthrough, saving the Gorons makes you feel really good. It’s a shame the hammer is only used a few times in the whole game, I would have loved to see it used more. The Water Temple gets way too much hate, I love this dungeon, second favorite in the game. I think the water level concept is really cool, and it isn’t really that challenging, putting on the iron boots is just tedious (thank you 3DS version). The boss is pretty bad though, and Dark Link is cool in concept but could’ve been executed better, and maybe would have fit more in the Shadow Temple. Speaking of which, the Shadow Temple has a really cool concept, I think it’s really neat with all the guillotines and death traps. It’s the most linear of the dungeons, and while I still like it, that linearity makes it feel a bit simple. The Spirit Temple is great, it’s cool that it takes advantage of both child and adult Link. Mirror puzzles are always awesome, even if they were done better in later entries. Ganon’s Castle is a great final dungeon, it’s a great test of everything you’ve learned so far.

This was my first time playing the original N64 version, my previous playthroughs were on the 3DS. I still think I prefer the 3DS version, the Water Temple changes are pretty good and the graphics are significantly better. The 3DS version looks like what it was intended to be, judging by the art. The graphics are really the only thing that stick out as dating this game, the controls still feel good, especially when compared to Super Mario 64. Both versions of this game are basically the same in most ways though, I’ll definitely be replaying this version occasionally. There is one thing that this version does significantly better than the 3DS version, and that’s the final boss. While the 3DS version is pretty bright, the darkness of the original fits far better. Honestly, I felt very emotional facing Ganon, there’s a sense of dread while there’s a glimmer of hope deep down. Dealing that final blow is incredibly satisfying, and the credit sequence is beautiful. I really can’t ask for a better way for this game to finish.

Here’s to the 25th anniversary of this absolute legend.

This is the worst in the series, it's ashtonishing how bad this game is. Probably the only game I regretted buying on launch day.

Nuclear Throne ran so this game could trip on its shoelaces and start crying over a scraped up knee

Doing a 120 star run of this was probably the best way I could’ve spent my 3 day weekend

After I played Odyssey again a few weeks ago I wasn’t sure if Galaxy was still my favorite Mario game, but coming back to it this is definitely still on top. While it’s more fun to just move around as Mario in Odyssey, this game definitely has superior level design and atmosphere. For every shitty ball rolling or trash destroying star, there’s 5 awesome stars like Luigi’s Purple Coins or The Golden Chomp. And it’s not like moving Mario around isn’t super fun either. While the spin attack definitely feels like a predecessor to Odyssey’s cap throws, it’s still incredibly fun to use. I’m still in awe of the whole concept of this game, moving Mario around tiny planets with their own gravity is just so damn cool and literally my only complaint is that occasionally the camera can get a bit wonky

You’ve got some absolute bops like Good Egg Galaxy, Bowser Jr’s theme, and obviously Gusty Garden Galaxy, but the themes for Space Junk Galaxy and the Comet Observatory are incredible for the mood of the areas. Honestly the Comet Observatory is probably the coziest location in any game I’ve played, and the music completely defines it, I love how it subtly changes as you collect more stars

What else is there to say, it’s Super Mario Galaxy, a truly incredible game that is adored and will be adored by generations to come

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