Neon White 2022

Log Status






Time Played

14h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 13, 2022

First played

December 10, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Neon White was interesting with its mechanics of using weapons for movement (for example, rifle into a bomb that knocks you away) and the game forcing to be faster with hints to get to further levels.
The gameplay starts off good and keeps it that way for the entirety of the game. The game brings in new spell card weapons and newer enemies to work to your goal. It is consistent with its difficulty, as it starts off slow and becomes very fast. You also know how far you are done with the game due to each level giving you a medal for gold or ace ranking.

My only issues are how the collectables are placed in later levels and how some levels make you guess where you have to go. Air control could of had some improvement.

Its story is set in afterlife containing the most unfunny characters, eventually it becomes bearable for a listening experience. The story is overall decent and has some unique takes on religion. I can't imagine a better story for this game due to how many levels there are, it would get tiring to have even more levels to fit a story in.

TLDR: Movement FPS that gets faster as it goes on, decent story with a great soundtrack.
I recommend this game as it is easy to pick up and isn't long.