the amount of Glaze i have for this game cannot be contained within this review section. Father Aunoma cooked, delivered and i ate it all up. I had tears running down my cheeks once i started up the game cus i knew i was in for an amazing experience. The ending was fantastic. Idk what kind of black magic fuckery they used to make this playable on a switch but good lord is it an amazing experience. Just please Aunoma, i already know about the demon king and secret stones. This game is a 10/10 and will forever stand by that, no game shall ever reach its level EVER. PLAY THE GAME RIGHT NOW

Nice game nice mechanics nice main character. I just suck at the game lmao :D

kratos kill, i like to kill stuff. end of story

holy crap the combat is good

A friend recommended this game and holy shit. Its chaotic and fun ash.

you kill literal gods with a sword from metal gear. 10/10

angry Russian narrator screams at u for 5 hours. play the non game rn

Made me cry over robots. 10/10

"Time for a Miles Morales original" no the fuck not

fighting game with a side of autism 10/10

this one was actually sad lmao

10/10 i have not completed the game, this is for m'lady Sophia.

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