fighting game with a side of autism 10/10

This is the greeeeaatesstt plaaannnnn

My therapist is in for IT this time :D 10/10 would recommend

OH MY GOD, THIS is what every jrpg should be like. I cried :D.

this one was actually sad lmao

This is truly square enix's GOTY, been a long time since i enjoyed a game so much. Play it, its definitely worth ur time

Frost troll sent me to outer space.

I put 500 literal hours in this game, 450 of them were spent trying to pay off my house

A friend recommended this game and holy shit. Its chaotic and fun ash.

holy crap the combat is good

angry Russian narrator screams at u for 5 hours. play the non game rn

Nice game nice mechanics nice main character. I just suck at the game lmao :D

End bit had the song from shrek.