was really cool, makes you super sick if you're not used to it, its really fun to just relax and just fly around a bit but not really something that you can get into for more than a couple mins

its super fun and trippy, the puzzles can be very complex but super satisfying to accomplish, although it has a very simple art-style its ambience can make the game very immersive and fun to explore, getting one of the new guns is super fun as it always opens up a bunch of new possibilities

pretty decent demo, it is a lot of fun and it has pretty good humour but it just feels like valve is showing off more than anything which is the vibe I get from most of their demos

its really fun and feels like the sister to portal 2 where portal 2 was about portals and aperture tag is about the gels/paints, the puzzles are really well designed and the story isn't too in-depth but it never needed to be anyways

Really fun unique puzzle game, I've never played anything like it, the aesthetics and puzzles are super unique to this game, it is extremely difficult but the figuring out the games logic is extremely rewarding as it lets you do all sorts of stuff

really interesting story game, it has an incredibly detailed art-style for using pixel art and its lighting is also very pretty, the story kinda just does a full 180 by the end giving it a huge tonal shift that doesn't 100% work for me, otherwise its a pretty fun game

its really fun with friends never got too into it but I had a lot of fun with the friend I had at the time, its really good for if you want some fun with friends

one of my fav games as of right now, its the most in-depth rogue-like I've ever played, I have 200hrs and have still only really just scratched the surface, really good endless fun

one of the best dlc's for this game, pretty much doubling the amount of gameplay, 100% recommend if u already like the game

is a really well done remake, it does everything to bring it up to modern standard without ruining the original integrity of Half-Life, its really good for if you aren't into retro games but still interested in Half-Life and also just really good if you love the original Half-Life

This game can have mixed feelings but I absolutely love it, its maybe not that good if you get easily motion sick but apart from that it is incredibly fun, it captures reality super well and I love its aesthetic of being an in development game, its super immersive and all the weapons are super fun to use. The only downside is how you get collectables and how some other gamemodes heavily rely on how much you've collected in the story as it is incredibly tedious and not any fun

Was super fun for a while but I got out of it mostly just because of personal taste, also found that maintaining the city was waay too stressful for me :(

I had a lot of fun with this game around the time it came out, but I've just lost interest now and don't really feel like its a game for me

This game is super fucking fun and got me into the souls series of games, although it can be really difficult its still incredibly fun, everything about it is just super super fun, exploring new areas, the combat, making your build, ect.
I've not played many other souls games but I feel this is a very good game to get introduced to it