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TL:DR : great game, but the tedium from a variety of QoL issues deal a death by a thousand cuts, turning an amazing action RPG into something hard to recommend unless you're a diehard fan

I replayed this on PC since it was 60% off.
Rindo's Replay is still way too tedious.

The latent abilities are hit-or-miss. Plotwise, the majority of them are great and fit with their characters. Gameplaywise? Not so much.

-Replay is extra menuing and load screens
-Dive is the orange noise from the first game with window dressing
-Remind is the best one, the art is always a treat
-Soundsurf is second best, it's just woefully undercooked. Hi-fi Rush exists, thankfully.
-Telewarp is a waste of time, as well as the only latent ability that's disconnected from its character without leaps in logic.

This game is way longer than the original for all the wrong reasons. Mission variety is much lower than the first game, with Scramble Slams taking up 3 entire days. Furthermore, there aren't any other substantial gameplay modes. The first game had Tin Pin Slammer! The lack of a touch screen also limited the gimmicky puzzles. We went from Reaper Creeper to spot the differences.

To compensate, the mandatory fights are much more plentiful.

FYI, don't touch the Switch version. Loading times there are so long I dropped the game after clearing the story. I'll actually be going for 100% completion here.

Even with the quicker PC loading times, they're still noticeable compared to the practically non existent ones from the original game, and they definitely add up.

I wish I could recommend this but
I can't because
a) people probably haven't played the first one
b) if you haven't played the first one, this script is a lot more boring


I grinded for the Golden Demonica before entering the final dungeon and for a second, I was playing Strange Journey in third person.

Dagda being a literal manchild whose arc culminates in his mom pulling his ear and getting him to behave will never get old.

Sure, not everyone in the cast is a hit but the plot is a cool alternate version of IV, and the combat has a bunch of minor updates that make it just as enjoyable.

Just not as unforgettable.

This was my first one.

I actually thought this was some generic fantasy RPG taking place in a medieval kingdom when I first played it, so when it raised the curtain my jaw dropped.

I love the negotiation system. I love that demons are inconsistent in their behaviour, it makes them feel alive. I love extorting them. I love the banter. I love that your character can wear different costumes and the model actually puts on the outfit. I love how snappy the battle system is. I love that you can speak to people and get their changing perspectives on the events as the game progresses.

This is the only version of Mastema I like, but he's unforgettable.

Unforgettable game.