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I was recommended to try out this game, and it did not disappoint!

Going in I was already a little familiar on the plot and went in partially spoiled on some big reveals, but even still the story had be on the edge of my seat invested. The post-final level cutscenes even hit me a little emotionally because of how well they were done.

Looking outside of the story, this game has so much personality! The music, the writing, the animations are all amazing and ooze with fun. The gameplay puzzles and environments are always changing enough to keep it fresh and entertaining, though sometimes a few of the puzzles felt a little lackluster at times (I did not enjoy the Temsik Park stage with the Guardian of the Park).

I'd recommend this game for someone who's looking for a quick but very fun puzzle adventure, especially if you like the writing style of Ace Attorney games!

My favorite characters are Sissel and Yomiel