Lies of P 2023

Log Status






Time Played

49h 41m

Days in Journal

10 days

Last played

October 25, 2023

First played

July 2, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership




First Time

October 2023



NG+ is absolutely blurring by. I've made it all the way through to the end of Venigni's Arcade, which is basically the 3/4ths point. All in just one day! It's been a surprising amount of fun to go through the game again while knowing all the secrets, and having all my gear.

6h 2m



I weaseled my way out of work for the day by being sick and finished Lies of P. It was a good game. I question a lot of the boss design, but I did very much enjoy my time with it.

But y'know... I only have 4 or 5 missing achievements... I might go for 100%.

8h 49m




1h 38m

September 2023



2h 7m



Progress continues apace. Stopped after attempting a boss a couple times. I know I could've gotten it, had I kept trying, but it's getting late, and I have my early rising job tomorrow...

But anyways, do you ever think, in the middle of a boss battle, "this boss isn't doing anything special, and I'm not struggling tremendously to fight it, the boss must have a second health bar Phase 2"? That's the way I'm feeling about a lot of LoP fights.

2h 22m



It has been YEEEARS since I last stayed up until 4am playing video games...
Killed two more major bosses and revealed the big bad. Weapon variety is still good, but I do feel like I'm missing a lot of interactions or secrets. Perhaps more will become clear in future playthroughs.

9h 30m



1h 5m



Wow - I got stuck on the Church boss for a LONG time. But I got it! Actually, with the very hidden weapon that I was talking about in my last entry. That thing does some SERIOUS work. Still enjoying the game a ton, in fact I only stopped tonight because I have some begrudging responsibilities tomorrow. Excited for next time.

5h 25m



Well, we really are off to a roaring start. I couldn't stop playing. There's a LOT that this game does right. I'm very excited to see what it has around the corner. I got up to the 2nd post-demo area. I even solved a hidden jumping puzzle and got a secret weapon! Very excited to keep going tomorrow. This one has grabbed my attention in a way that no other recently played game of mine has managed to do.

8h 1m


July 2023



Played the demo. Was actually really, really fun. Very promising! I'll be eagerly looking forward to the release.

4h 42m