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NJInkling completed Bruce Lee
I liked this game as a kid, but I had no idea what it was about. Everything was so abstract!

2 days ago

NJInkling completed Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
A platformer with funky music and choppy scrolling. I liked this game as a kid, but I always liked the free episode 1 more than the paid episodes 2 and 3. Hm. I also found the "inside the giant alien's body" levels creepy.

2 days ago

NJInkling shelved Hover
Was interested in this Jet Set Radio-inspired game. Very vertical city, and I love the verticality. I do find its attempts to be "cool" corny, but otherwise I found it fun enough.

Except for the "gameball" stuff. Absolutely hate those missions. They simply take choices away from the player when it comes to control, and I just didn't like that.

The game, last time I played it, was also bad about making it clear where missions were or where to go. I just moved around randomly and did whatever.

I enjoyed the game despite these flaws, but I really didn't enjoy these flaws. I eventually lost interest.

2 days ago

NJInkling completed H.E.R.O.

7 days ago

NJInkling completed Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns
I used to play this game so much when I was little I had a dream about it. I loved how you had infinite lives and you would just "float" back to your spawn point when you died, score dropping all the way.

I did manage to beat the first part, but not the second!

7 days ago

13 days ago

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