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1 day

Last played

March 7, 2023

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I actually had a pretty good time with this. The decade of hearing people complain endlessly about it certainly kept my expectations low which probably helped me see it in a better light. Sure there's plenty of dumb things like EDI's cringe hookup with Joker, Kai Leng hopping out of a naruto fanfiction into a mostly-serious sci-fi world, and the unbearably goofy child PTSD dreams, but there's plenty to like as well. The rest of the game is still Mass Effect and it's still enjoyable to go on missions with your squad and make choices in the story, regardless of it just building up to the "choose your ending" scene. There's plenty of solid interactions, especially in the Citadel DLC, and I quite enjoyed how high-stakes the story felt leading up to the final confrontation with the reapers. Also Javik is cool.