Enjoyment - 5/10
Difficulty - 3/10

If you need a fix of Sims in your life, this will do the trick, but at that point you might as well go to church to wash away your sins. The PlayStation 4 version ran like a old motor struggling to get into third gear. Maybe this is the sign from God to get a Honda Civic. Waiting for the Joyous Church pack.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 4/10

For a South Park game, it is great. Considering its adaptation history in video games, no one expected this game to be anything. It is a South Park RPG. Solid attempt. Light hearted and fun. This format would be later improved in the sequel.

The achievements were annoying with many chances to miss needed collectibles. I also experienced an annoying glitch that affected my collectible progress. Achieve at your own risk.

Enjoyment - 9/10
Difficulty - 7/10

Holy moly. Why haven't I played these games sooner?! Nights I could be vibing to this series... wasted. Instead, I was probably playing Fantastic 4 for PS2.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 3/10

A pleasant surprise. This is more than a GTA clone. Hiring goons, racketeering businesses, busting their balls, yes, so many balls were completely busted. Burst, bruised, AND busted. If you can look past its rough edges, it is a pure hidden gem.

Enjoyment - 9/10
Difficulty - 2/10

Girlfriend Boyfriend should be game genre.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Going Under pits you against angsty co-workers, unfair working conditions and insufferable bosses. This hits too close to real life, but it works! Playing as a new marketing intern, you must progress through each company dungeon, battling enemies along the way, collecting new gear, and defeating bosses. This rougelike is a little bit uncommon, which is surprising because it is a solid game.

It also offers an assist mode that drastically reduces the difficulty of the game if you need it. Complete the main story, side objectives, unlock all the original skills, get specific kills on enemies and the platinum is yours!

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 9.5/10

Curse of the Dead Gods is a borderline 10/10 difficulty game. If you want to BEST this beast of a game, you need to achieve enlightenment. BIG RNG grinds, time consuming perfect runs, and skill checks are just some of the things to expect if you want to complete the game. It also has possibly the hardest trophy I have ever achieved - Memoirs. You need to kill SO MANY enemies of each type without getting hit by them (you get hit a lot in this game by design) AND it includes BOSSES! For most of the bosses, you have to get No Hit kills TEN TIMES for every boss in the game, THERE'S TEN BOSSES! DO THE MATHS!

Without a doubt, Curse of the Dead Gods is my most difficult platinum to date. The platinum achiever percent is sitting at 1.25% on PSNP and 0.1% on PSN [as of 10/04/24]. Good luck.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 2/10

For the longest time, this game flew under my radar. I am glad I finally gave the game the time of day. Solid story and great co-op moments make it a standout game. This is the best Prison Break video game.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Noodle boyz in space. Catch them before they get sucked by space.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Disgruntled Dad taking petulant Son to the movies. Thought provoking film. Must watch. Makes you think.

Enjoyment - 5/10
Difficulty - 3/10

The sequel to the crazy cooking game. My order was Overdone.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 2/10

A trip down memory lane. Achieved the platinum in five hours.

Enjoyment - 10/10
Difficulty - 5/10

Death Stranding is the PlayStation 4. Death Stranding is a fine dining restaurant serving you a delicious fast food burger, but it turned out it wasn't a burger. You begin to question what you just ate, and you cannot place the taste. The only thing you do know is that it was familiar and the best thing you ever ate. Death Stranding touches souls, and cleanses them. Death Stranding is a video game.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Gorgeous art and music. Playing in the moment was a joy. However, after a couple of days I forgot most of what happened in the game. Blame my old man brain if you want, but that's just what happened. Nonetheless, nice game that did some cool different things that I appreciated.

Enjoyment - 5/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Nostalgia bomb. Love the OG Naruto anime. English dub, best dub. Played first on PS3. Revisited this game on PS4, and I realised that the game is not as good as I remembered. A major risk of playing games from your past. Sometimes they bite instead of kiss. Shame.