IMO the definitive way to play this classic, unless you're one of those weirdos who wants to play "Guy Savage" whenever they replay this gem. The attention to detail is immaculate and the story stands tall as one of the best even in this era.

A lot of fun with a captivating story, if a bit messy at times. The combat is also a lot of fun, but has been surpassed with more recent Character Action games.

A couple hundred hours later and I still haven't gotten tired of the bloody palace. Definitely the best Character Action game in terms of combat alone.

Sucks that the series doesn't get this good again until 7/LAD (if you're playing in chronological order). Also banger soundtrack

Not sure why Dr. James T Bagswell likes this game so much.

This shits too fuckin floaty, lebron james earns it a half point tho

Love me some south park but beyond that its pretty decent

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Fun game, but I don't like how Snakes character arc is based on the idea that he listened to literally nothing The Boss told him before he killed her.

Modded Zombies maps are really cool

Entertaining enough, but probably because I have nostalgia for it. I probably wouldn't recommend it unless you played it before

I really wish they let the game be fully fleshed out. Still great to play, but it feels like watching a show that's missing episodes

Quite the classic, plays as well as any modern platformer IMO

Fun but I really don't like the dragon rush mechanic

Modern Akuma is gonna go hard