I'll always appreciate the Fate series' commitment to being stupid. Like, a battle royal between heroes from myths and legends from around the world, but make it anime, is just inherently dumb and cool as hell. Of course, if you're not really into anime aesthetics then it's probably gonna rub you the wrong way, but honestly, I think over-the-top anime fighting suits the extravagant premise extremely well. Also, Gilgamesh is best girl.

The perfect comfort food game. Not terribly difficult and the same tactics work for pretty much every level, but it has enough variety between stages and enemies to keep it from being utterly mindless. Was feeling kinda shitty and playing this was a nice pick-me-up. Great music too.

Can't say I'm all that into the Vampire Survivors genre but I saw the trailer for this on Steam and thought it looked/sounded cool as shit, and it is. Cool, weirdo visuals and great music go a long way. Wish it had more trippy Yume Nikki-like sequences tho.

Collecting my favourite little guys is always a great time, but damn, this game slow.

Finally, a game that understands that dungeon crawling is all about the a e s t h e t i c s. It uses a more modern control scheme so it plays a lot faster than the old fromsoft games that inspired it. This does take away some of the challenge but also makes it far less frustrating, so that's probably a good thing. Exploring the dungeon is the main focus and it's good fun. Each area has a distinct vibe with a phenomenal soundtrack to back it up.

There's also lore about lesbian vampire mums and their son who's basically Alucard. A masterpiece.


Used to play this on my mum's ipad back in the day whenever we were in the car or had to wait somewhere. Never finished it though, I'd just start a new game every time for some reason. I've never really been a puzzle game person but I always gravitated to this aesthetically. For whatever reason, I found the game's quiet dark atmosphere oddly comforting. Great little game, though maybe some of the puzzles could've been better signposted.

I get why people don't like this game, it's gameplay, graphics and story are lackluster to say the least, but I don't play a pokemon game for those things. I play pokemon to catch little idiots and give them silly names.

They gave her a girlfriend 10/10.

Celeste managed the transition(heh) to 3D pretty damn well. Movement feels good and the character models are super cute, music bops too. A short, wonderful little adventure about pushing past anxiety and taking the steps to be who you want to be. set in a snowy little ghost town at the foot of a mountain.

Starting to think Hyper Light Drifter's lack of dialogue was more than just an artistic choice, think I would've enjoyed this more if no one spoke.

This game just sorta makes me happy idk. short and sweet, not the most polished thing in the world, it feels some of the bosses kinda just sit there and take it, but has more than enough heart and character to make up for it. This and Reverie under the moonlight make me feel nostalgic even though I never played games like these as a kid. Indie games are cool, man.

Feels under baked in almost everyway, but damn, that raw cookie dough kinda tasty tho?