Rayman 3 2003

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This game is such a tragedy. I cant believe the greatness of Rayman 2 came before it. Its like a completely different team made this game with zero research done on the previous games. All the characters act differently. The setting feels different. Rayman's abilities are different. The dialogue of this game is ATROCIOUS. Its just a bunch of "lol im so random, rawr tacos XD" ass dialogue. Its like if they made Uncle Grandpa into a shitty platformer. The story is constantly sidetracked by random ass encounters. They shoehorned a bunch of adult humor into the game (Im fine with adult humor, it just felt out of place for a rayman game). Every fucking character is annoying and doesnt shut up. The combat is bad. Lock-on doesnt work and you NEED it to fight. Most of the actual platforming was OK. Some good, some ok, some bad. I felt that the enemies of the game, black lums with guns called Hoodlums, is a weird racist allegory and I cant think of it any other way. Just dont play this game man.