A really fun, goofy, and charming 1st person resident evil clone. I really enjoyed playing it even though the horror was a lil hard to take seriously, but I do admit that I did get spooked quite a bit. I major complaints are how short it is and it is very lacking in boss fights. Still a very wonderful game that I might be fun to replay someday with the secrets I unlocked in a new game.

way more streamlined than the first game and gives an appropriate amount of resources for a survival horror game. the dialogue is funny teen B-horror angst and the surprising deaths was a wig snatch. this game is kinda a cult classic to me

MGS3 is like the best parts of 1 and 2 combined. With the setting mostly taking place in a jungle, compared to the previous games being in buildings, I was quiet surprised by how well they made the game around the setting. Especially with the added survival system of stamina, food, and medical supplies. I was worried it was gonna drag the game down, but they didnt really impact it much at all. If anything, it just added more immersion to the jungle setting overall, it was quite simple to keep up with, especially since the game just throws resources at you. The story is still Hideo Kojima's batshit insane worldbuilding and the dialogue is so fucking funny. Hideo Kojima made yet another masterpiece.

very pretty game with the most basic boring story ive ever done see and dull combat

this game has a neat premise with its rhythm based action and its artstyle is fantastic, but the combat was dull/tedious to me and the writing was god awful most of the time. writing is like if you let someone who only used tumblr since they were allowed on the internet write a marvel movie level of bad. main character is insufferable, filled to the brim with unearned confidence, but still has everything go right for him. this game was overhyped and I was excited to play it. unfortunately im not this game's target audience i guess.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is like an early 2000s emo/rock vampire version of Cyberpunk 2077, but better in a lot of ways, in my opinion.

The story and characters are very interesting and are some of the best qualities of this game. I really didnt expect some of the crackhead interactions I have gotten and I'm very pleased with how a lot of quests had some very unique interactions. The dialogue in this game is fucking hilarious. The NPCs with their silly mannerisms and most importantly, the main characters dialogue choices in response to those silly characters, even responses to the serious characters/situations were very unhinged. Dialogue choices ranged from the standard "yes man" to the "hell no" to "im gonna kill you because i feel like it" to "early 2000s political commentary", and more out of pocket ass responses. Even your characters vampire subspecies affects dialogue. I was a Nosferatu, a notoriously hideous vampire. So many NPCs will comment on my disgusting figure, from shock/disgust to concern, and the response back from my character is always a delight to see.

The combat gives you many tools to your arsenal to approach fights, especially with the powers your characters vampire subspecies inherits. These powers can greatly change and enhance how you play the game, or you can choose to ignore them for simple run around and shoot people/hit them with sharp stick. Beware though, those boss fights are tough! Bring lots of blood bags.

The only and major downside to this game for me is the traveling. Your player character is SO slow and there is no sprint. The fast travel is barebones and meant to be immersive I guess, but ends up being a pain. The traveling is especially painful late game when you have unlocked all the areas and side quests make you run back and forth between them. It burnt me out to the point I had to take a break from the game.

Will note: I played this game on PC with an Unofficial Patch mod installed to fix a lot of bugs. There were still quite a few bugs, even progress blocking bugs. You should save often and make a lot of seperate saves.

I really enjoyed my time with this game, way more than I thought I would. I honestly only played it because Funhaus (RIP) played it in one of their videos and shit on it, so I thought I would do the same. This game honestly blew me away and was a treat to play. I highly recommend playing this game (with the Unofficial Patch installed if you're on PC) if you are a fan of Cyberpunk 2077.

This is the western localized version of the original Persona game with character sprites and names altered to appease western audiences. The changes are rather unnecessary but I think dont really impact the game. If anything, it makes the dialogue funnier.

Persona 1 is like Cock and Ball torture in a videogame. It's somewhat enjoyable but really hurts and gets tiring after a while. The formations in combat was a massive drawbnack and added frustrating depth to a turn-based style game. Demon negotiations are very hit or miss and are like spinning a roulette wheel, especially with the insane amount of dialogue options to take with them.

The story is rather simple, but very enjoyable and charming. The characters are often hilarious with some slight nonsensical reactions or tendency to be 1 note.

I actually very much enjoyed this game and I hold it to a higher standing compared to Persona 5 (the only other and first persona game I've played). The combat got mad annoying and is a major drawback, but the charm of the game kept me glued to it throughout its entirety.

i would give this game a perfect score if it wasnt for that stupid fuckhead Chadley

Very good game with a good bit of flaws. Combat is top notch and thrilling most of the time. The story isnt as good as the first game's in my opinion, but still cool. Some major flaws are the enemy variety and the games need for brutalism. It gets very tiring to keep running back and forth and fighting goblins every 2 minutes because of the barebones fast travel. I understand that the game has a great open world full of discovery, but if im taking the same 3 roads back and forth for quests/grinding, I want to skip the trek dammit. There are ox carts that act as fast travel between the major settlements, but they arent enough and get interrupted constantly. Also, the save system + only allowed one character can be a major turn off, especially with how easy it is to fail some quests because they are timed without knowing they are timed, or just how brutal/unclear it is to even proceed with the quests.

I do recommend this game and I did enjoy it for the most part, but understand that the game will not hold your hand and in fact just spit in your face sometimes, but you have to take it like a champ and move on.


Bully is one of the best games Rockstar has made. It has corny teenage charm and campy humor. Its the right amount of nonsensical but still carries a coherent story. The map is small yet VERY dense and they use the space well. Im only taking points off because the soundtrack is only made up of audio gifs that repeat the same 5 notes and drives me insane.

I was going to make a more in depth review of this game, but man the combat really frustrated me and just soiled the whole experience for me. I didnt enjoy playing this game, I actively hated when an enemy appeared. I regret paying money for this experience.

This was a wonderful horror experience with a captivating mystery and very thought out puzzles that made me scratch my head until I got them and hated myself for not getting them sooner! This game wears its creepypasta influence on its sleeve, its build up of uneasiness up to horror kept me glued to the screen and had my try every single interaction just to see what happened as a result. I think this game is a must play for slow burn horror fans that love good, thoughtful puzzles.

fun and fast paced shooter that made me feel like a badass. its very short, but has a lot to do for completionists if they dont mind a challenge


the only thing this game has going for it is the artstyle

This was such a non game. It was walking place to place and collecting notes that told the story for you, with cutscenes in between. Any symbolism this game has is ruined by the game straight up TELLING you what the symbolism is. Thats not the point of symbolism, you leave it up to interpretation for the viewer. Not baby them and act like they arent smart enough to understand what the pretty wall painting is supposed to mean.

The game's theme is heavily about suicide. I dont think it was handled poorly and the suicide help message at the start of the game is nice, but popping it up everytime suicide is mentioned just makes it laughable? Think like you are watching a slasher movie, and everytime the slasher kills someone on screen, a message popped up saying "Remember kids, dont kill people in real life! Murder is bad". Im a suicidal person, I think the game handled the theme of suicide well and I appreciated the positive message, but man did spamming that "get help" message just kill the vibe.

Also, I think the devs completely misunderstood what silent hill is about. Its not some mystical therapy fog that shows up when someone sad needs it like a fairy god parent.

I did enjoy this game's aesthetic and message, I just wish it wasnt a silent hill game.