This was a wonderful horror experience with a captivating mystery and very thought out puzzles that made me scratch my head until I got them and hated myself for not getting them sooner! This game wears its creepypasta influence on its sleeve, its build up of uneasiness up to horror kept me glued to the screen and had my try every single interaction just to see what happened as a result. I think this game is a must play for slow burn horror fans that love good, thoughtful puzzles.

fun and fast paced shooter that made me feel like a badass. its very short, but has a lot to do for completionists if they dont mind a challenge


the only thing this game has going for it is the artstyle

This was such a non game. It was walking place to place and collecting notes that told the story for you, with cutscenes in between. Any symbolism this game has is ruined by the game straight up TELLING you what the symbolism is. Thats not the point of symbolism, you leave it up to interpretation for the viewer. Not baby them and act like they arent smart enough to understand what the pretty wall painting is supposed to mean.

The game's theme is heavily about suicide. I dont think it was handled poorly and the suicide help message at the start of the game is nice, but popping it up everytime suicide is mentioned just makes it laughable? Think like you are watching a slasher movie, and everytime the slasher kills someone on screen, a message popped up saying "Remember kids, dont kill people in real life! Murder is bad". Im a suicidal person, I think the game handled the theme of suicide well and I appreciated the positive message, but man did spamming that "get help" message just kill the vibe.

Also, I think the devs completely misunderstood what silent hill is about. Its not some mystical therapy fog that shows up when someone sad needs it like a fairy god parent.

I did enjoy this game's aesthetic and message, I just wish it wasnt a silent hill game.

Overlord 2 improves the formula dramatically from the first game. The devs definitely learned from the previous game and fixed what was wrong with it. Only take away they did was removing stats to items and upgrades. How much more bigger number is this armor/weapon compared to my previous one? Minion/spell upgrade? How it upgrade??? Who knows! Its just better!!! Another complaint is that the games difficulty is ramped up at the end and took me by surprise, but I handled myself after losing hordes of minions. This game is still really fun and I love the puzzles and the interactions/dialogue in this game. A lot more heart and soul was pumped into it and I appreciate it.

This review contains spoilers

The Suffering was cool at the start, being a death row inmate trapped on a prison island with various monsters and spirits. Then it quickly became boring, repetitive, and a lil frustrating. I appreciate that for a survival horror game, that it throws so much resources at you, but I realized that it gives you so many resources because the enemies seem to endlessly respawn or just come back to life right in front of me. So at the end of the game, where they really amp up enemy spawns, I found myself quickly running out of ammo and healing items.

The story is a lil head scratch to me, so I'm gonna post spoilers here in this paragraph. The game is centered around "T", a death row inmate that blacked out and killed is wife and two kids. Now, there is a morality system in this game, and I'm not sure how much it affects the dialogue/story, but as you progress, T gets lots of visual/auditory hallucinations of his wife and kids. I went the "evil" route because I didnt really want to spare the dirty pigs that are the police of the island or the inmates that were most likely there for a good reason? Every choice you make your dead wife makes a comment about it. Also these premonitions are annoying as fuck. The wife and kids are just so whiny and guilt trippy. Like yeah, I killed you, get over it already. I dont need to be reminded every time I walk into a new room. Another key story element is that there are 3 ghosts there that fuck with you and eventually become boss fights. I like the puzzles that these boss fights bring. But they feel pointless? The ghosts dont die or disappear. They are still there! I guess they are testing "T"? But it just feels pointless??? The ending felt so anticlimactic to me as well.

I dont know, I didnt really enjoy this game much. I liked the puzzles, the beginning was promising, but killing the same 3 enemies 80% of the time then getting 2 new surprise enemies towards thge end that take a lot of resources to kill and the difficulty ramp didnt help. The noosemen were funny though. Nice jumpscares from them.

This game is pretty much the same as the first but with better graphics being on the PS2. Mostly great gameplay and a fantastic story/dialogue. MGS2 was another masterpiece Hideo Kojima has brought into this world. I do have some minor complaints though that I feel took away from the experience. There didnt seem to be a proper tutorial? No VR missions like the first game, and a weird half baked fly by of SOME controls at the beginning. I was playing half the game without some features because I didnt know they existed until I looked up the manual!! The first person aiming is slow and awkward, especially during intense, action packed encounters. I just had to accept I was getting hit if I was to use this feature during fights. My main complaint is that I felt I was punished for stealthily taking out enemies because about 70% of the time, their radio would go off like "um Hello??? No Response??? welp better send backup and investigate". It kinda felt like the game didnt want me to play it, so I would just quickly through a room and avoid guards. At least the saving and checkpoints help alleviate some annoyance. Another complaint is... look I love Kojima's story-telling and I do like the cutscenes, but perhaps couldve used more gameplay between dialogue/cutscenes? CUTSCENE walks 5 steps DIALOGUE walks across room DIALOUGE walks through door HALF AN HOUR OF CUTSCENE repeat repeat repeat.

Dont get me wrong though, I did love this game. The story was godtier if anything a bit too many layers to it. Raiden was a fantastic and complex character. The boss fights were superb and fun lil puzzles. So many small and neat details added in as well.

Its a very good game that I enjoyed playing.

A silly collection of mini games that then get repeated but "harder". Repeated cutscenes, little to no voice acting, reused games. There is just not much game here. I 100% it in one sitting. I dont really recommend it unless you like rayman being put into silly scenarios. But rabbids are just Despicable Me minions that use more slapstick comedy. Go for it if its your thing. Its better than Rayman 3 at least. Im sad but Rayman is fucking dead, gaymers :(

I was ready to shit on this game after my first playthrough, but playing it again for the "true ending" made me appreciate this game a lot more.

Splatter Master is a cutesy horror themed side scroller beat em up where you play as a chainsaw wielding scarecrow set out to stop an evil magic man that has summoned monstrosities terrorizing the place.

The game is simple and fun at the start, running around slapping and chainsawing cutesy demons that run at you until you fight a boss, then onto the next level. The game is simple fun.... until you reach the second boss and realize this game has deeper mechanics than you originally thought. You see, the game introduces new enemy types and bosses you have to fight a certain way and you are just frustratingly scratching your head trying to figure out how to even kill these mother fuckers without dying. Talk about dying, dying is kind of a major drawback. When you die you go back to the start of the level, which can be frustrating when you repeatedly get to the boss and die trying to figure out how to beat the thing. Also sucks that there is no real save function, so its not like you can take a break and come back later. You got ONE fucking go at the game or completely restart your run. After many trial and error, especially on the last boss, I finished my first playthrough. Watching the credits roll, at the end appeared "True Ending Unlocked". Fuck it, I was curious. I started another run. I had WAY more fun this go around. Knowing how to beat every enemy and refining the process. I beat it and went for a third run that was less than an hour.

This game has a really charming artstyle and fun boss fights (if you dont mind frustrating mechanics throughout the game at first). I mostly enjoyed my time with it and suggest it if you dont mind smashing your head against a brick wall until it breaks.

The game has a really cool atmosphere and concept, but all the suspenseful build up for just a cheap jumpscare at the end was not it for me :/

Overlord is a dark fantasy Pikmin-like that is charming yet a lil tedious and frustrating at times. I love the aesthetic, evil dude resurrected by minions looking for an evil Overlord to take command of them. The dark high fantasy setting is has a very similar feel to Fable, with the slightly cartoonish designs, magical creatures, and silly humor. The combat is simple yet repetitive, but you do get to enhance and customize your equipment for some variety. The puzzles are neat and greatly utilize the varying types of minions at your disposal. Commanding the minions, however, can be a massive headache. There are so many ways for many of them to instant die, their pathing gets them stuck or lost and even dead, constantly. The game is not great at explaining mechanics to the point I figured out certain mechanics at random by just pressing random buttons. The camera control is practically non existent. Its very difficult to choose targets when multiple are on screen. I wouldnt have cared about the poor controls as much if minions didnt die from the slightest thing and I had to hike my way back to the spawn pits just to do it again. Also, with the amount of running around and objectives to complete, the game wouldve greatly benefitted with a sprint button and an actual map to help you navigate.

I mainly kept playing this game for its great style, charm, and humor, but man if it didnt have that cool aesthetic that I love, I wouldve put this game down and not gone back.

Alan Wake is an interesting game. It has a cool narrative that is very openly inspired by Stephen King novels. The game is suspenseful as the puzzle pieces of the mystery is slowly collected and put together. I feel like the story could be a hit or miss depending on who you are though. I at first glance thought it was a dumb premise, but as I thought deeper, I ended up really enjoying what they have done with it. The combat for the game has an interesting mechanic with light making the enemies vulnerable so you can destroy them with more physical means. However, outside the light mechanic the combat feels dull. Especially as the game goes on and enemies are thrown at you. The dialogue of the game is awkward? Like, without getting into spoilers, once you know what you do towards the end of the game, you understand why the characters talk and act how they do.

I will just say, for those who enjoy a good suspense thriller, but dont mind mid combat and gameplay, this game is good and should be played.

This game is such a tragedy. I cant believe the greatness of Rayman 2 came before it. Its like a completely different team made this game with zero research done on the previous games. All the characters act differently. The setting feels different. Rayman's abilities are different. The dialogue of this game is ATROCIOUS. Its just a bunch of "lol im so random, rawr tacos XD" ass dialogue. Its like if they made Uncle Grandpa into a shitty platformer. The story is constantly sidetracked by random ass encounters. They shoehorned a bunch of adult humor into the game (Im fine with adult humor, it just felt out of place for a rayman game). Every fucking character is annoying and doesnt shut up. The combat is bad. Lock-on doesnt work and you NEED it to fight. Most of the actual platforming was OK. Some good, some ok, some bad. I felt that the enemies of the game, black lums with guns called Hoodlums, is a weird racist allegory and I cant think of it any other way. Just dont play this game man.

Lies of P is an outstanding soulslike. It has large variety of tools it gives you to make whatever build you wish. Great but kind of limited enemy design and variety. Excellent boss fights. A good story to follow. Cosmetics dont contribute to stats, so you can be stylish and deadly how you wish. My complaints are thar it gives important mechanics midway through the game, one or two areas i felt were dull, and weapons hitting walls/ceilings as you swing that screws you over. Other than that, this is probably my favorite soulslike.

Clive Barker delivers great character design and a very interesting story/world building. However, mostly everything else about this game was dogshit. The main cast had very cringy and poorly written dialogue (aside from a few laughs I had). A lot of enemies were well designed, but some were just masses of walking ground beef, just couldnt believe a master of horror designed those absolute bores. Cant hit them all but most of the other designs were very good. The games difficulty is so weird. Most enemies 1-3 shot you and they just constantly spawn directly in front of you. So dying to enemies that spawn from the ground 2 feet in front of me only to explode, killing me and a few squad mates instantly, got quite old very fast. The squad maneuver mechanic felt useless 99% of the time because they just did whatever the hell they wanted anyways! Also, even though I was part of a squad of 7, it felt like I was the only one doing damage!!! Like, I dont want them to play the game for me, but they could at least kill the enemies directly in front of them while I picked off others. I will say the majority of boss fights were fun and like a lil puzzle to try and figure out how to kill them. I did enjoy that. But yeah the other 90% of the game is just a live, die, repeat of walking down meat hallways as dozens of enemies rush towards me. I enjoy this game for how bad it is.