I love everyone in the friend group and will die for them. They are all so well written, each with their own personalities and traits. Combat is much better than the first Persona game. Dungeon design was hit or miss, especially the floor traps were annoying. The rumor system is neat but wasn't for me, seems a bit tedious in my opinion. But I adore this game and cried like a wee lil bitch baby at the end <3

Alisa is a gem amongst PSX style indie horror. A rough gem, but a beautiful one nonetheless. A solid horror game with a colorful cast (except the main character), a wonderfully weird setting, a wide variety of enemies, some solid puzzles, and intense boss fights. The combat is what you would expect for a slow paced, PSX inspired horror game. The enemies tend to be slow yet frightful, with the occasional unexpected curveball of speedy or ranged enemies that keeps you on your toes. Combat can be difficult from time to time, but after experimenting you can breeze through every interaction. The worst, persistent enemy of this game is the atrocious amount of disorienting camera angles. Hey game dev, I PROMISE you do not need 4 different camera angles for a small room with 1 door, 1 enemy, and 1 item. The camera shifts are very unexpected and just work against you. You would be 2/3 across the screen and the whole camera will flip and make you turn around right back into the enemy you are running from. The worst is when you happen to be on the corner of when 3 or 4 camera changes happen. This has been my 1 and only major frustration with the game. I can forgive enemies stunlocking me to death, that's what I get for getting caught, but the game its self working against is just rude.

A major plus for the game is replayability. By design you can't get everything in one run, so you enter NG+ with what you have unlocked to try and get the other items and different endings.

I think this game is fantastic and would love to see more from the developer, just uh...... ease up on the camera angles please.


Alisa is a gem amongst PSX style indie horror. A rough gem, but a beautiful one nonetheless. A solid horror game with a colorful cast (except the main character), a wonderfully weird setting, a wide variety of enemies, some solid puzzles, and intense boss fights. The combat is what you would expect for a slow paced, PSX inspired horror game. The enemies tend to be slow yet frightful, with the occasional unexpected curveball of speedy or ranged enemies that keeps you on your toes. Combat can be difficult from time to time, but after experimenting you can breeze through every interaction. The worst, persistent enemy of this game is the atrocious amount of disorienting camera angles. Hey game dev, I PROMISE you do not need 4 different camera angles for a small room with 1 door, 1 enemy, and 1 item. The camera shifts are very unexpected and just work against you. You would be 2/3 across the screen and the whole camera will flip and make you turn around right back into the enemy you are running from. The worst is when you happen to be on the corner of when 3 or 4 camera changes happen. This has been my 1 and only major frustration with the game. I can forgive enemies stunlocking me to death, that's what I get for getting caught, but the game its self working against is just rude.

A major plus for the game is replayability. By design you can't get everything in one run, so you enter NG+ with what you have unlocked to try and get the other items and different endings.

I think this game is fantastic and would love to see more from the developer, just uh...... ease up on the camera angles please.

this "game" (stretch to even call it that) is neat in premise and story, but because boring as you have to sit through and click random items on the screen hoping to progress forward. idk, whole thing felt very pretentious. kept flip flopping from interested to bored outta my mind because the "gameplay" just feels like an RNG point-and-click. this game is probably more interesting if you are a BIG cinephile and don't mind watching dull behind the scene clips and mediocre acting

it's kinda a neat lil survival game with an interesting message. idk it just didn't really grip me. the dragons showing up to fuck me was funny though

this is such a cute yet clunky game. running for my life as the hulking minotaur was relentlessly chasing me was a thrill. the feeling of finally slaying the minotaur was so gratifying. the game is a lil bare bones, but it's well worth it for the price of this bite sized wonder


really fun boomer shooter with a rad artstyle and soundtrack.every enemy felt different to fight and the quick save/load made the tougher fights bearable. lore went over my head but hey cool game.

A really fun, goofy, and charming 1st person resident evil clone. I really enjoyed playing it even though the horror was a lil hard to take seriously, but I do admit that I did get spooked quite a bit. I major complaints are how short it is and it is very lacking in boss fights. Still a very wonderful game that I might be fun to replay someday with the secrets I unlocked in a new game.

way more streamlined than the first game and gives an appropriate amount of resources for a survival horror game. the dialogue is funny teen B-horror angst and the surprising deaths was a wig snatch. this game is kinda a cult classic to me

MGS3 is like the best parts of 1 and 2 combined. With the setting mostly taking place in a jungle, compared to the previous games being in buildings, I was quiet surprised by how well they made the game around the setting. Especially with the added survival system of stamina, food, and medical supplies. I was worried it was gonna drag the game down, but they didnt really impact it much at all. If anything, it just added more immersion to the jungle setting overall, it was quite simple to keep up with, especially since the game just throws resources at you. The story is still Hideo Kojima's batshit insane worldbuilding and the dialogue is so fucking funny. Hideo Kojima made yet another masterpiece.

very pretty game with the most basic boring story ive ever done see and dull combat

this game has a neat premise with its rhythm based action and its artstyle is fantastic, but the combat was dull/tedious to me and the writing was god awful most of the time. writing is like if you let someone who only used tumblr since they were allowed on the internet write a marvel movie level of bad. main character is insufferable, filled to the brim with unearned confidence, but still has everything go right for him. this game was overhyped and I was excited to play it. unfortunately im not this game's target audience i guess.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is like an early 2000s emo/rock vampire version of Cyberpunk 2077, but better in a lot of ways, in my opinion.

The story and characters are very interesting and are some of the best qualities of this game. I really didnt expect some of the crackhead interactions I have gotten and I'm very pleased with how a lot of quests had some very unique interactions. The dialogue in this game is fucking hilarious. The NPCs with their silly mannerisms and most importantly, the main characters dialogue choices in response to those silly characters, even responses to the serious characters/situations were very unhinged. Dialogue choices ranged from the standard "yes man" to the "hell no" to "im gonna kill you because i feel like it" to "early 2000s political commentary", and more out of pocket ass responses. Even your characters vampire subspecies affects dialogue. I was a Nosferatu, a notoriously hideous vampire. So many NPCs will comment on my disgusting figure, from shock/disgust to concern, and the response back from my character is always a delight to see.

The combat gives you many tools to your arsenal to approach fights, especially with the powers your characters vampire subspecies inherits. These powers can greatly change and enhance how you play the game, or you can choose to ignore them for simple run around and shoot people/hit them with sharp stick. Beware though, those boss fights are tough! Bring lots of blood bags.

The only and major downside to this game for me is the traveling. Your player character is SO slow and there is no sprint. The fast travel is barebones and meant to be immersive I guess, but ends up being a pain. The traveling is especially painful late game when you have unlocked all the areas and side quests make you run back and forth between them. It burnt me out to the point I had to take a break from the game.

Will note: I played this game on PC with an Unofficial Patch mod installed to fix a lot of bugs. There were still quite a few bugs, even progress blocking bugs. You should save often and make a lot of seperate saves.

I really enjoyed my time with this game, way more than I thought I would. I honestly only played it because Funhaus (RIP) played it in one of their videos and shit on it, so I thought I would do the same. This game honestly blew me away and was a treat to play. I highly recommend playing this game (with the Unofficial Patch installed if you're on PC) if you are a fan of Cyberpunk 2077.

This is the western localized version of the original Persona game with character sprites and names altered to appease western audiences. The changes are rather unnecessary but I think dont really impact the game. If anything, it makes the dialogue funnier.

Persona 1 is like Cock and Ball torture in a videogame. It's somewhat enjoyable but really hurts and gets tiring after a while. The formations in combat was a massive drawbnack and added frustrating depth to a turn-based style game. Demon negotiations are very hit or miss and are like spinning a roulette wheel, especially with the insane amount of dialogue options to take with them.

The story is rather simple, but very enjoyable and charming. The characters are often hilarious with some slight nonsensical reactions or tendency to be 1 note.

I actually very much enjoyed this game and I hold it to a higher standing compared to Persona 5 (the only other and first persona game I've played). The combat got mad annoying and is a major drawback, but the charm of the game kept me glued to it throughout its entirety.

i would give this game a perfect score if it wasnt for that stupid fuckhead Chadley