This game is such a tragedy. I cant believe the greatness of Rayman 2 came before it. Its like a completely different team made this game with zero research done on the previous games. All the characters act differently. The setting feels different. Rayman's abilities are different. The dialogue of this game is ATROCIOUS. Its just a bunch of "lol im so random, rawr tacos XD" ass dialogue. Its like if they made Uncle Grandpa into a shitty platformer. The story is constantly sidetracked by random ass encounters. They shoehorned a bunch of adult humor into the game (Im fine with adult humor, it just felt out of place for a rayman game). Every fucking character is annoying and doesnt shut up. The combat is bad. Lock-on doesnt work and you NEED it to fight. Most of the actual platforming was OK. Some good, some ok, some bad. I felt that the enemies of the game, black lums with guns called Hoodlums, is a weird racist allegory and I cant think of it any other way. Just dont play this game man.

Lies of P is an outstanding soulslike. It has large variety of tools it gives you to make whatever build you wish. Great but kind of limited enemy design and variety. Excellent boss fights. A good story to follow. Cosmetics dont contribute to stats, so you can be stylish and deadly how you wish. My complaints are thar it gives important mechanics midway through the game, one or two areas i felt were dull, and weapons hitting walls/ceilings as you swing that screws you over. Other than that, this is probably my favorite soulslike.

Clive Barker delivers great character design and a very interesting story/world building. However, mostly everything else about this game was dogshit. The main cast had very cringy and poorly written dialogue (aside from a few laughs I had). A lot of enemies were well designed, but some were just masses of walking ground beef, just couldnt believe a master of horror designed those absolute bores. Cant hit them all but most of the other designs were very good. The games difficulty is so weird. Most enemies 1-3 shot you and they just constantly spawn directly in front of you. So dying to enemies that spawn from the ground 2 feet in front of me only to explode, killing me and a few squad mates instantly, got quite old very fast. The squad maneuver mechanic felt useless 99% of the time because they just did whatever the hell they wanted anyways! Also, even though I was part of a squad of 7, it felt like I was the only one doing damage!!! Like, I dont want them to play the game for me, but they could at least kill the enemies directly in front of them while I picked off others. I will say the majority of boss fights were fun and like a lil puzzle to try and figure out how to kill them. I did enjoy that. But yeah the other 90% of the game is just a live, die, repeat of walking down meat hallways as dozens of enemies rush towards me. I enjoy this game for how bad it is.

Decently fun 2D platformer shooter. Love what they did with the Warhammer 40k universe and especially what they did with the orks. Game gets a lil old real fast, gameplay wise. The different classes dont feel different enough, dont really add much. The weapons have a decent variety, but some feel useless. Loved the boss fights, each one felt very different and fun to play around. The writing is also good and funny. Wish this game was longer and had more variety in playstyle. Im not taking off points for it, but trophies for online play for a game no one plays is a BIG fuck you. I enjoyed this game for what it was. We need more Warhammer 40k games where you play as orks. GREEN IZ DA BEST COLLA! WAAAAAAGH!!!!!!

Robocop: Rogue City is a very neat first-person shooter RPG. I didnt expect the game to go the direction of RPG elements, but it works. Throughout the game you make various dialogue choices that effects how the characters view you and their relationship with you. Plus there are skills to buy and you can customize Robocops iconic weapon to suit your playstyle, to add a unique personal touch to your gameplay. The gameplay is SO satisfying. I absolutely love being a walking tank and turning everyone into red mist as soon as I pull the trigger. I'm also very surprised how the game steadily adds new enemy types and mechanics as you play, keeping the game fresh and free of some repetition. My only complaint is that a good bit of the writing is lackluster. All the characters feel robotic and one note, except Robocop, ironically. Robocop is very well written and playing him was a joy. I deeply enjoyed this game.

This delightful platformer has every level feel fresh and unique. The soundtrack is fantastic and the puzzles are clever. Would've been a perfect score but sometimes the camera was difficult to work with, the render distance for some effects worked against me, and the lock on to fight enemies wasnt the best. This game was very good and I enjoyed playing it again as a adult from when I owned it as a child.

This brawler roguelike is sluggish and very repetitive, but the devs put their heart and soul in capturing the heart of Hellboy. They have done a better job than everyone outside of the comics in understanding who Hellboy is. Gameplay wise though, the game is very lackluster. Barebones, barely any difference in builds for a roguelike. Every enemy feels the same, every environment feels the same. The final boss is just a reskin of other bosses with 1 or 2 added attacks. This game was... disappointing. But I love it solely for the style and love for Hellboy. Its fine if you like mashing the same button for 10 hours straight, but other than that, pass it unless youre a fan of Hellboy.

This game is a neat Devil May Cry clone that can get repetitive, but fun none-the-less. It keeps the spirit of the movie, with its charm and vibe. The boss fights are fun and each have a musical number. Very good game.


Neat horror game with decent coop. Its very on-brand for its time of cheesy teen horror, which I love. I like the enemy designs. The combat is a lil fucked and melee just doesnt feel worth it. I'm so glad horror games did away with limited saves. Good thing I saved very smartly or this game wouldve been a nightmare to play. Enemies off camera during coop was frustrating and permadeath is not ok lol. Still overall had fun. Just expect frustration from combat and getting lost.

This game was WAY better than expected. They pulled off a truly unkillable protagonist very well. The gameplay is very good yet gets repetitive. You got a gun for each arm then a sword you can swing wildly with the right stick. Some enemies need guns, others need sword, some can be killed with both. They were a few very neat mechanics and interactions with being immortal and being torn to pieces during combat or for platforming/puzzles. The dialogue can be rather cheesy and outdated, but I overall like the characters. There is very little enemy variety but each boss feels very unique! The game is rather short and the plot couldve gone longer I feel. There are times where I feel like there should be an extra level or cutscene during certain plot shifts. The music slaps as well. This game shouldve been what the Deadpool game was. I could feel the devs heart and soul in this game, but felt like they were limited by time/budget. Very good game!

Remnant 2 greatly improved the formula of the first game. Grander and more unique environments, epic boss fights with fun mechanics, and way more build customization/potential. Wish there was more armor/appearance variety. A very fun shooty soulslike!

Clash is a 3rd person fist fighting soulslike that doesnt have much depth to its mechanics. The combat is simple yet can be more in depth if you want it to by mixing up your four different attacks and being very reactionary with your opponents.

The part of the game I enjoyed the most was the ritual system. Opponents being scattered throughout the map that follow The One Law(TM) and force you to partake in a ritual before combat that adds an effect to the fight and can sway it in whoevers favor. Both parties submit an artifact that does X effect, then a roll of the die and some pieces that influence the sum of die on the board, the highest sum wins and gets to use this artifact. Plus you can get more dice and ritual pieces for this game to give yourself an edge. It kept the game interesting to me.

The game follows the recent gaming trope of "grizzled older man with bright eyed child" trope and it does it very well. My main complaint about it is that in certain areas the boy gets VERY talkative and repeats the same 2-3 lines. In order to prevent him from spam talking, you have to buy clothes for him so those areas wont bother him anymore. This is a bad mechanic, please no one repeat this.

My biggest gripe with the game is the map and traversing. It complicated as fuck!!!! There are so many twists, turns, ups, downs, doors, bridges, holes, ledges, etc that make every pathway just become noise and mix together. There is not a detailed map, just a big generic one with no details. Its a shame because I love exploring areas and there is a lot to explore, plus it rewards you for exploring! But it stopped feeling worth it that after running around looking at every nook and cranny, then being lost for half an hour trying to find the way to go! For the last 1/3 of the game I just ran down the main paths and avoided side paths because I hated having to run around in circles until i found the main path again. Plus for the record, it is not clear WHAT the main path is, you just gotta take the best guess you can or find out where to go by accident. It just really dragged the whole game down and lost it major points to me.

The game has a beautiful and unique artstyle! Every creature design was weird and original. With most designs being a fucked up version of a humanoid animal, to the main character looking like a hotdog from Sausage Party that rolled around in cat hair. Plus the soundtrack is pretty decent.

This game was an enjoyment for a good portion of it, there were quite a bit of frustrations though from what I mention aboved and some bugs that caused me to lose progress a few times.

I do recommend this game but be warned. It is definitely not for everyone.


Cute lil kitty game. Do all the things a cat does and you can feel the soul the developers put into the game. Was way more emotional than I thought it would be. The game is rather short which is a good and bad thing, because even though I wanted the game to continue, there felt like there was much the game could offer if it kept going.