A classic game with a unique grim setting and a godlike story. Would you kindly play Bioshock?

This shouldve blown up like minecraft. The superior block survival game.

This game was infuriating and its ugly like my momma


i wish i used the time playing this to masturbate to goblin waifus instead

A hardcore third person hack and slash set in the crackhead world of Warhammer: 40,000. The combat is a bit barebones and gets a bit repetitive, but it is a joyride throughout.

this game made me feel like a florida crack head breaking into a hospital to steal narcotics. this crackhead has a crowbar, and no labcoat wearing nerd is gonna be spared from my drug induced fury.

A wonderful sequel that improves upon the formula and offers a lot more dialogue that is well written and funny. If only valve could count to three....

a short yet sweet puzzle game with a mystery that kept me at the edge of my seat until its finale.

Such a unique horror RPG with fun combat. The hitboxes are a lil wonky but it doesnt take away too much.

This game has so much to do and the characters are so flushed out. The DLC adds even more to do. Its a fantastic RPG, one of the bests. Also, I'm always up for another round of gwent.

This is a cute lil roguelike with a lot of charm. I think the scaling is a bit weird and the grind is very long, but it do be fun.

I thought this was the coolest game when it released. It has aged like milk.

This was such a cute and emotional game. The dog was a bit annoying to command but I enjoyed it overall.