This review is for the base game only - my trigger finger hurts too much to take the DLC on as well in one sitting!

Celeste is a well crafted platformer with lovely artwork, level design, and music. It's also got a story around "coming to terms with yourself", which I personally could take-or-leave, but it's well written and I certainly don't have any complaints about it.

As far as gameplay goes, there's not too much to say about it. It's mechanics are introduced slowly, and there's usually one gimmick per level, but aside from that the core gameplay doesn't change much as you advance - the distance between checkpoints just gets larger!

My only real complaint would be around the separation of the jump and dash controls - many a time throughout the 6 hour playthrough I found myself wondering why pressing the jump button multiple times didn't just automatically switch to dashing by default. Otherwise, no notes!

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2022
