Surely an unforgettable experience for a newcomer to this franchise like me. I can't explain the happiness I feel while playing it.

There are better and smarter mechanics, but it gets too repetitive and boring, unnecessarily long. It's still a good game.

Definitely a platform peak. It provided me fun, laughs, good gameplay, just by being simple.

I'm glad that such a beautiful game is far from disappointing as a remake.

Only if you play at a slow pace. Otherwise, you'll get bored in no time.

It can be a little frustrating sometimes, mainly due to traveling kilometers to the boss room after dying a couple times.


Your experience will depend on your current emotional state.

I dived my body and soul into it, for the anguish and solace that it brought me, totally immersed. No other experience has ever been so intense for me, and I can't transcribe it with words.

I am free to be THE chosen one.

Comfy, vibrant in its colors and characters. Although, getting the platinum is truly hell.

Grab your friends, hop on L4D2 tonight!

Would be nice to have a game about those mythical creatures and curvy girls we supposedly have in the lore.

I prefer strawberry pie, actually.

Seu Epaminondas, você é um péssimo funcionário.