527 Reviews liked by NessyBoy64

This is where Mario Party (briefly) perfected the formula. The game minigames that unlock after you play them once, a full suite of duel minigames, the ability to carry 3 items, Waluigi, all things that once you have them it feels like Mario Party should've always had them. There are also all sorts of neat little less consequential additions, like the Duel mode, Game Guy, and the Story Mode, that aren't essentials but none the less add to the fun. This is a perfect Mario Party. <3

Being the European that I am, I didn't understand anything that was going on.
Still, it was a fine experience.... I guess.

sonic cd's level design is focused more around exploration then it's predecessor(s). some very nice environments and music but the game design is boggling. your two choices for finishing the game and getting the good ending are fucking around in stages for 10 minutes trying to find all the generators to get a 'good future', the other is to go through like a typical classic sonic games collecting 50 rings to enter a special stage and collecting the time stones in what are probably the worst designed special stages in the entire series. one of these options is painfully slow, the other is painfully unfun.

Good intro Good Music Shit game

Finally, he's here for you. It's the last member of the DK Crew. This kong's so strong it isn't funny. Can make a Kremlin cry out for mummy. Can pick up a boulder with relative ease. Makes crushing rocks seem such a breeze. He may move slow, he can't jump high. But this Kong's one HELL of a guy.

Treasure at it again with dangerously soulful presentation and creativity and kinda simple everything else. The artstyle is super charming and the gameplay, while simplistic and kinda repetitive, is fairly satisfying with how smooth the jumping and throwing is. It's also super short but the ending is cute. I also really like how Marina shows up.

It's no Jack Bros but was still really fucking good.
my eyes no longer work but still, I had a pretty great time.

It's such a shame that a game of this type of quality was stuck on the Virtual Boy the actual hell of video game consoles.

Nintendo, please re release this, it's so good

it's very fun when u don't play it on a virtual boy

In a perfect world Darkstalkers would be able to continue with a new game with HD sprites or perhaps the Arcsys method of psuedo-2D modeling.

But in today's environment I think I'm okay with Darkstalkers never returning and leaving it to exist only in crossovers. I just can't see Capcom's current modelers ever doing justice to these character designs or their animations. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Este fue el primer videojuego que fue de mi priopiedad y le tengo un aprecio incalculable.

Amplia variedad de niveles bien diseñados, la forma en la que revisitas zonas con mejoras de habilidades o cambios en el ambiente producto de los tesoros obtenidos hacen de este juego una aventura plataformera perfecta que nada tiene que envidiarle a las aventuras del fontanero rojo.

This is truly peak Game Boy, far superior to Wario Land II, Wario Land 3 goes all out on Graphics, level design, and puzzles in a unique platformer. While not every level is a winner most are, and screen scrunch hardly gets in the way. Figuring out how to move and manipulate Wario to solving his way to the game's many chests is always a fun tricky time to figure out. The music also fits the game perfectly, extra shoutouts to the boss theme that fits the mood perfectly.

My only real gripe with the game is the significant loss of time when getting hit. I get it's to balance not having a health system, but it gets worse in bosses where you have to constantly renavigate to them until you have the boss figured out. Most bosses are good about it but some can be a little annoying.

But yes, Wario Land 3 is an essential Game Boy game to play and anyone looking into its library shouldn't overlook this classic.

Civilization’s greatest achievement