524 Reviews liked by NessyBoy64

Even though it's really gorgeous and completely poops on Dark Moon it's really sluggish. The hotel locales are cool but do tend to blend together a bit and I never felt like playing more than an hour at a time.

Fairly short but very good and charming game.

Another completely flawless Nintendo experience. Luigi's Mansion scared the shit out of me as a kid and I loved every second of it. I probably beat it ten times or more and S-Ranked it in at least half of those. About as near a perfect gameplay experience as exists. So damn good

One of the best Survival Horror of the 2000s

the boo collecting is trash, the rest is kino

Basically Nintendo's PG rated Resident Evil. Create from start to finish and also short and sweet. S Each unique ghost has a specific way of capturing them and the puzzles are to figure out how to capture them in the first place. The combat of trying to suck in ghosts with the Vaccum is super fun as you struggle trying to suck them in. The controls aren't the best and I'm sure are refined in the sequels, but you can get used to them. PSA. Vaccums are the most underrated weapons/tools in video games and I'm glad it's the star of the show here

A level designer's game, through and through. All 100 (!) levels in Psycutlery have a unique gimmick that turns the game on its head and makes you approach levels from a new angle. It's a big solid chunk of platforming in the vein of Kirby and Yoshi's Island, with the whacked-out twist that you eat everything you come across.

This game is ridiculously adorable, like it's just a whole maelstrom of cute. Atlus should finally give this game an official translation, call it wholesome or something, pretend someone with genders made it, and they'd be running all the way to the bank with the amount of money this whimsy-core nicefest would make with all the depressed burned out idiots like me.

Just look at how cute and pretty the pixel art is! It looks like those pixel art mock up you see constantly on Twitter, but it's like, a real game. And everyone is nice and fun to interact with, except for the villagers who think the protagonist is a witch, but like, that's secret queer theming so that's ok, and you end up befriending them anyway.

At its core, it Is just a very basic Atelier-like, especially similar to the more stripped-down entries in the series, like Atelier Marie. But there's nothing wrong with that. I enjoy Atelier games, and this is a pretty good aesthetic take on the genre. And the time-magic gimmick, while not mechanically revolutionary, does add a bit of personality to the general play.

I dunno, I did two runs of this, and got the bad ending both times. Because I'm really bad at this Atelier stuff. But that was like, 12 solid hours of cutesy fun, so I can't say I have anything against this game. I'll probably give it another go and see if I can at least get the normal ending, but I don't think I'll get there. It's good.

Wario's first foray into his own adventure and it's a solid one at that. Wario Land plays like a slower paced but heavier Mario which is extremely satisfying due to his ability to shoulder bash + pick up and throw enemies. One of the things I like is that you need to use coins you collect to active checkpoints and end stage doors, which in turn makes levels more exploratory and less easy to cheese like a Mario game. I love the treasure collecting aspect of this game and the fact that you have multiple endings based on how much treasure you collect. The controls are a little unpolished but that's just gameboy jank for you. Excited to play the others in the series.

why couldnt we have gotten TREASURE to develop this 😭

The idea of what is basically anime Hitman is funny and genuinely a great idea... too bad the guy who made it is an awful person AND an awful dev.

I'd love to see a more competent dev or team pull off the idea, because there's some potential here.

felicia the type of girl to suck 37 dicks but stays loyal and make lasagna

morrigan just cheatin on ya

some bastard stole my copy of this game in middle school when i saved just before the final boss and i haven't gotten over it since

Despite being less aesthetically interesting than 1-3/World and causing Nintendo to shamelessly sell out, this is the best 2D Mario imo. It's the only entry where I'd say the controls feel just right.