In a world of witches, you get Kevin Macleod music..
also I don't know what Rodland is.


Don't you just fucking love it when you have to do all this shit again when you die such a pathetic death? What you don't??? THIS IS THE CLASSICS!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!!!! LOVE IT!!! GOD DAUM IT!!!!

back in the day, I played this so I could go straight to Silent Hill 2... yeah...

As Dreams Dreams was about to kick in for the game's credits I was about to gleefully smile, before hearing childrent sing. Good to know the legends of "cuz I didn't get A ranks so I heard children sang" are the truth.

For whatever reason I hadn't gotten around to beating it back in Middle School, so now I have, and man did I not even try to improve then. I must admit, when thinking of NiGHTS, the thing that'd never come to my mind is Las Vesgas, Casinos, and Slotlights.. And I say all this because it is apart of her character and the game's gameplay. Whereas Sonic advocates for speed and getting it done quick, NiGHTS is about getting the essential 20 blue orbs first into a basket, then racking up as much coin and points as you can before cashing out right before the time runs out. I won't even lie, I get on the edge when that timers running out more than I ever did for Sonic drowning due to some bullshit in the Genesis games.

Story wise it is actually very sweet. I don't know why people have not brought it up, but NiGHTS is like Cat in the Hat. She comes in and sees these two poor kids that lack confidence in themselves and gives them the boost they need to be the best they can be. And by the time she's gone, they have changed their outlook remarkably. They have became better. And the both of their final levels reflect this too. Won't spoil what happens though.

Technically wise, a gem on the Saturn that proves it's a beast capable of much more than great 2d visuals. And compared to SA1&2, is better on it's original console as the PC port of the stinky 08 remaster, may have some mods here and there, but there's just not enough to overhaul the port to be the best way to experience the game, like SA1&2 have in their case.

And as the Saturn 3D Controller's Creator, definitely puts it to fair damn use. Even if the analogue of the triggers not so much. Do recommend putting the mid of your thumb to hold rather than the traditional tip.

Nights into Dreams really is a wonderful game. Not even remotely underrated (that'd go to Burning Rangers), and deserves the following and attention for sure. Is it my favorite Sega game ever of all time? Not necessarily but it is indeed a (not hidden) gem that I enjoy, and makes a great showcase of Sega's game design philosophy for sure. It was wonderful to have finally beaten a classic I had known for some time now. My favorite level was Soft Museum.

when they added Dragon King, it went from a 4 to a 5.
that, and the funny setting to fly across the stage with no death.
also Marina TolietShitter fucking sucks.

(Would like to give a big thank you to @IronLuis for making this review possible. He let me borrow his Xbone just to play the game)

I can't with this shitty game anymore I'm done.

Panzer Dragoon is a series that had intrigued me and finally checking it out, I loved all of it.

Despite Mini, a game that was not only barely functional but also a game in between two fantastic games, the series, and overall Trilogy really, were all incredible and reasonably difficult. Deserving its status as the incredible landmark on the Sega Saturn. I had known the series did get another shot on Xbox but finally playing the games made me more intrigued regarding the entry that is Orta.

As a follow up to Saga I knew it couldn't top it, and all I had thought and expected was for it to just be a good game. A great game. The worthy continuation it dares to be to a very fulfilling trilogy that ended on a fair note.

It ended up being an arse to finally play the game however. Right after beating Saga, I checked it out off Xemu which didn't play the cutscenes. Then I ordered a og Xbox copy for 45 buckos then after some convincing got @IronLuis to let me borrow his Xbone just to play this game. And ALSO finally got the official rechargeable batteries for mine and his Xbox controller.

And so after all this work and effort, I finally played it.. and was remarkably disappointed. For starters I will still ponder why was the lock on nerfed so badly??? Saga introduced other forms for your Dragon but in this game you have to be switching all the fucking time if you wanna be doing any damage or any health resourcing when none of that bullshit was in the previous games. Playing it the old way, your damage just tickles them at most.

The game also has the most bullshittingly difficult difficulty to a point it made me genuinely mad in literal years. it's buttfuckingly unfair. Zwei is a game where it became harder by the paths you decided to choose. In Orta it's just fucking difficult because it said so, fuck you, you dare have fun? kiss that ass goodbye. BE SURE TO GET A NICE WHOPPING OF TWO BOSSES IN A FUCKING ROW!!!!!

I thought maybe I was delusional, I thought maybe I was wrong after simply beating Easy, but I ended up being right. I gave Normal another go and just could not. It's so fucking bullshit.. And not even fucking worth it. As all you need to know about the story is that it is LITERAL BULLSHIT!!! I don't like Mobo and his stupid fucking posse. Every time I see these imbeciles talk I miss the humanity of Paet, Gash, and Azel. They spoke with character. Growth. Personality. I miss it so much.. It was all in Saga. All dissipated in Orta.

Orta in general for me is a literal disappointment. I wasn't expecting or hyping up that it'd be the best of the series. Literally the minimum for me was just it simply be a fun time. A great time. A journey in a unique world.

But instead I get a game that can't fucking make up its mind on if it desires to be ambitious like Saga or have the simple storytelling of Zwei and the first one. It doesn't help either when you look into it even the Developers themselves feel mixed on if they should've even made a 4th one after Saga.

Which anymore is that I recognize the Pandora's Box which in fact is why my rating isn't any lower even if to be completely honest, I think alot of it is buttfucking padding. ESPECIALLY WHEN SOME OF THAT INFORMATION COULDVE BEEN TOLD WITHIN THE GAME.

What's that? You want to be told the story's details in the STORY!?? NAHHHHH!!!! GO READ ABOUT IT JERKWAD!!! STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!!

Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire, has always been the cooler name to me ngl

I may have not unlocked the final two unlockable characters as of writing this, but after doing all the GPs, getting 150 stars in career mode, and especially getting the game's credits. Can truly say I've come as much as completing it.

It is definitely one of the best racers not only made, but available to play on Computers and Steam Decks. And with CPUs that truly are a challenge. This is no pansy ass forgiving Mario Kart 7 or 8. This game folds down and crushes you til you ask for more. It is a challenge. And a worthy one too. But yes the game itself. It is a fun one for sure.

Will start by saying it beats Ultimate by a mile for really knowing what itself is. A celebration of Sega. And a fine one at that too. Must admit my only gripes really in general, is the game's roster and it's lack of more Saturn reps. Not even just "where Segata Sanshiro?", moreso why not Kyle from Panzer Dragoon (the first one), or Shou & Tillis from Burning Rangers? especially as this game already has tracks that represent the two respective games, so it's strange the characters they could've added weren't. I would be fine with just NiGHTS but it don't help she's based on the Wii version ugh. Outside of the Saturn, there's alot that rep Sega's overall line in history. Sure the Bonanza Bros were cut, but you still got Alex Kidd.

Oh and I would not trade any of the Guest Stars for more Saturn Stars period, as I think they are funny and fit. I love Wreck It Ralph and TF2, they are just such fun characters to play. You even got a Nascar Driver in there too.

I do find strange however that they added two characters from Space Channel 5, but don't even got their own stage at all, as Billy Hatcher (who has a stage) was cut for the cutting room floor in favor of the two gals.

And one more about the roster, would be the lack of another character for Samba De Amigo and Skies of Arcadia. Happy they're in, just wish the two boys got a gal with em, like that Monkey Ball guy did.

Even though I mainly rambled about the game's roster, regardless, it's such a fun game for sure. The remixes for Sonic R music and everything were all done so lovingly by the fine orchestrator Richard Jacques, who also did LBP2 alongside Sonic R. Nice. That, and the Tracks and everything is all so great. Burning Depths makes me smile everytime. Just makes me wish more for a new Burning Rangers. Or a remaster really.

But yeah. Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. Absolutely a wild and fun game. And definitely a new favorite of mine.

Whenever Sega and Sumo Digital decide to make a true third one, I hope they not only keep the hard as nails difficulty but also finally add more Saturn reps.. Maybe Clockwork Knight could get to finally shine and tick on the track the third time around.

(P.S. After unlocking the final two unlockable characters the next day, I also learned that there's actually an option to play a private game with friends, so I take back my complaints with the online. This game is indeed a 10/10.)