we used to be a nation where you could pick the gender of the motorcycle maverick escaping the cops you wanted to be

bless arcade games i miss them so much

i think i like this game
incredible start, great core loop( sorta? ), good tunes, fun mini sections and bosses, but the last third dragged and failed to live up to expectations.

kept going in weird new directions different than what it was going for up to that point which got tiring and unfun. when i realized i only paid $7 by backing early on kickstarter it bumped it up to a mid review but for a while i kinda hated it !!

not many games have 100% of the profits got to a queer furry youth but more should! especially if theyre this good!

another incredible game in the momodora series! combat is really satisfying, the social aspect with Cereza was a lot of fun seeing progress, and the map was well laid out. Really excited to play on normal difficulty on arrange mode! The light difficulty was fine altho I didn't like the shallow aspect for the adaptive difficulty as it only gives you a defense buff after dying.
great length, dense design, masterful artistry. great work team!

shmovement in a chill castle what else do you need

fucked up how much joy a 2d mario brought me. kinda ashamed but i wont shut up about this game and everyone should play it

lots of cute stuff. not letting employees see their families consistently was worth it keep crunching employees nintendo!!!

lemme finger my joycons more nintendo

i can't believe i love a remake of a game i love so much that cut my favorite section. rip gondola section gone but not forgotten.
every game needs a shooting gallery and rail shooter section tho

honest to god incredible! really fun well thought out combat system with an intriguing story well told
levels are a delight to play and move thru
level select overworld is a beautiful and inventive way to show off
pleasantly surprised!

the best sonic has been ever?
at least in 3D
still not as good as Adventure
but with the new playable character dlc it might be the all timer !
really fun really sweet just enjoyable

still chugging thru this behemoth of a game but it is incredibly safe to say that this is one of the most enjoyable dragon quest games to play ever
getting to just hang out with some monster pals of your choosing
the exploration, treasure hunting, and even the dopey slingshot combat make for a deeply satisfying (and downright addictive) crawl of watching number go up

why the hell isnt this on pc it owns so much could you imagine if we got crossover content from other final fantasies?

how does a game about so much say so many personal truths that strike to the core like no other? automata is larger than life or any person that worked it or featured in it. its magical, beautiful, incredibly poignant and reductively simple.